As the months go by

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Trimester one;

Alastor was tired, he was always tired. He didn't usually sleep but now it felt like that was all he wanted to do. His suit wasn't fitting as the month ended, so he had to wear stuff he didn't usually and that seemed to have drawn attention to him from Charlie. "I like that outfit on you Alastor."

She complimented him, and he felt weirdly embarrassed more than anything. He had a suit outfit similar to what he normally wore but bigger and more loose on his body. "Thank you, Charlie." Husk also seemed to have noticed the change. "What happened to you?"

Alastor was sitting on one of the chairs and looked up from his book. "And what do you mean?" Husk pointed to his suit and the end of his claw looked a little too close to his stomach. "Your outfit. Looks bigger on you." Alastor didn't reply and went back to his book, Husk took that as an answer and went back to his drinking.

Angel had started going out a lot more and coming back with shopping bags. And one day Alastor found some of those bags on his bed. Inside were several baby items, clothes pacifiers toys, etc. as well as stuff for Alastor mainly clothes that would eventually fit him, and there was also a book about pregnancy a guide per say.

There was a voice in the back of his head wondering why he was even keeping this kid even though he knew what might happen, but he didn't come up with that answer.
He also started having cravings, the book said that was normal, but he wasn't expecting how wild they would be. He constantly wanted jambalaya and raw meat, the stuff he normally ate, but had an odder craving for sweets, fruit, and Italian food.

One day Alastor smelled Angel cooking something, seemed like Angel felt the radio demon's eyes on him. "I'm trying to make Jumbilya." Alastor sniffed it. "Smells odd." Angel turned to look over at his shoulder as he stirred the pot. "Sorry Al, I'm just trying something different. Ya might like it."

Alastor shrugged as he felt his stomach growing slightly. "Seems your kid wants it." Angel turned around quickly so his back was facing Alastor, but his shoulders were shaking. Alastor shook his head and his smile grew, feeling a little more genuine.

Angel often handed Alastor his pet pig, Fat Nuggets, to the deer. Sometimes Alastor would treat the pig like you would a pet, and other times he would try and eat Fat Nuggets. Angel isn't a fan of the second one.

Trimester two;

His stomach felt off, guess growing something isn't pleasant. At that time the news had gotten out, at least in the hotel.
Vaggie was confused at first but seemed to have gotten used to it as much as you really could, Charlie seemed excited instantly congratulating the two, Husk for the most part seemed neutral about it, Niffy too stemmed excited though babies were messy. Angel made a slight comment about telling Cherri and his siblings but Alastor tried shutting that down but they were still told.

At this point, his regular suit fitting was out of the question. Baggy clothes were now pretty much the only thing he lounged around in. Angel tried 'cheering up' Alastor by calling him 'cute', but it didn't work.

He was reading the book a lot more, surprisingly it was updated despite most likely being made for humans, and helped him answer a lot of the questions that popped up. Slowly but surely everything started hurting for the deer demon. Didn't get better around the fifth or fourth month as that meant one thing, movements from the unborn.

He was in bed when it happened, Alastor was trying to read when he felt something move from inside him. "Hm" He set the book down and was about to fix his pajamas when he felt something again, this time it felt more like a taping. He waited before grabbing the guide and flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for. "Infant movement...blah blah blah....hmm"

He set the book down as he tried to go to sleep. And over time sleep got more and more sporadic and non-existent for the radio demon, thanks to Angel's kid keeping him up all night. But when Angel was told, it seemed like he couldn't keep his hands off Alastor and that didn't sit right with him.

Angel would try and tough Alastor on the stomach and Angel would almost get bitten by the deer. They were warnings that seemed to go over the spider's head. But sometimes Alastor would break his own comfort space and let Angel tough and cuddle him, and it didn't feel nice to admit, it felt nice.

Angel being both fluffy and warm as well as gentle at least got some pressure or stress from Alastor, and Angel gave the most amazing back massages. Angel would also talk to the little one inside of Alastor, he said it's so the baby will be used to their voices by the time they're born, hell Alastor found himself talking to the child sometimes, even if it was something as small as saying 'good morning'. Even if he was constantly kicked from the inside.

Trimester three;

Alastor was in hell, both literally and figuratively. His everything hurt and they hurt like hell. His stomach was huge, his back and pelvises were constantly hurting, etc etc. It seemed more concerning that he didn't smile all that often anymore.

Angel was trying to help, and yes the back massages felt like heaven he couldn't do them constantly and as soon as they stopped Alastor was back to being in pain. Sweets were both the only thing he wanted but they were disgusting. Noting fit even the clothes that Angel had gotten him a long time ago. He mainly spent all day in his room so no one would see him. Charlie too was helping best of her ability, bringing him some stuff he needed changing the temperature, etc.

Angel and Alastor had also chosen the Godparents, but them being them, didn't say who they chose, Alastor had asked Husk to be The Godfather and he oddly agreed and he wasn't drunk. He also was trying to learn if everyone was good with kids or not.

Charlie; yes. Vaggie; Not at all. Angel; Surprisingly yes. Husk; Decently. Niffty; No. Cherri; Depends. Sir Pentious; Again surprisingly yes. Molly and Arakniss; Debatable. Verosica Mayday (she's friends with Angel); surprisingly yes

He was also getting pains every so often, the book said they were contractions and what he was getting were called 'Braxton Hicks' or practice contractions. But the real nightmare wasn't even starting.

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