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the battle

Sage moved briskly to in the castle, the forcefield around Hogwarts was starting to break, people were crazy. Soon the death eaters would be in Hogwarts and the actual war would start. The snatchers were also there, running into school grounds.

A lot of Hogwarts had started on fire, including the quidditch pitch, and a few duels had broken out with the few death eaters that had made their way into Hogwarts. The place she had spent nearly the last 7 years of her life at, was getting destroyed.

The place where she met Seamus and Dean, where she fell in love with quidditch, where she had her first kiss. It was all gone.

She looked around with a heavy sigh she continued to walk the halls. That was until she heard a voice. "Sage Lupin."

It was behind him and she turned around. It was Elizabeth, with a wand pointed to her. "Elizabeth..." she said softly. Suddenly her legs were frozen in place, and she wanted to run from her. But she couldn't. She couldn't even move her hand to her wand. "What... are you doing."

She stared at Sage, a for a moment, Sage could see regret fly across Elizabeth's face. "Were on two different sides, what do you think?"

"You think so?" She asked.

"You're fighting for Hogwarts," she said. "I'm not."

She shook her head. "Elizabeth... please" she begged. "We were friends."

"Don't you get it! I was never your friend!" She snapped. "That was all a lie."

"How could you say that?" She asked. "We shared a dorm for nearly 6 years, you were my best friend. You, me, Seamus, and Dean. Come on Elizabeth. You know that wasn't a lie."

She lowered her wand slightly. "Sage," she said. "Just... go. I don't wanna hurt you."

She stared at her for a moment before, running off in the opposite direction. She didn't wanna leave her, but she would talk to her after the war, figure everything out.

She sighed and rushed up some steps, in a large crowd of other students. Everyone was panicked. She looked around, she spotted Dean and Seamus and rushed over to them. "Sage," Seamus said with relief, as he spotted the girl. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine... i just," she took a deep breath and sighed. "Elizabeth... she isn't dead. She's a death eater."

"What?" Seamus asked. "No way... I don't believe it."

"Neither do I..." she admitted. "But she was there, at the Malfoy Manor, and now she's in the school."

Seamus took a short, hesitant breath, as if he didn't believe the words spilling out of Sage's mouth. He just nodded. "Okay," was all he said.

She stared at her before looking at Dean. "Are you both alright?" She asked.

Dean nodded. "We're fine, and you?"

"Same here." She said. "Just... nervous about all of this."

He nodded again. "Everyone is." he said. "It's okay."

Sage sighed slightly and looked around. "I gotta go."

After leaving her two friends, Sage walked towards what was, the Gryffindor common room, and she took out some pieces of parchment and a quill she found. She started to write letters to the people she cared about, or the people that deserved to know the truth.

Just in case, she didn't make it. She was having doubts. But she wanted people to know the truth, about what happened to Dumbledore.

She sighed and looked around, once she finished. For some reason, she felt like she was stuck there. She was sucking in all the memories the common room held, before she went back out to hell.

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