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albus dumbledore

Sage sat on the windowsill of the Gryffindor Common Room. Seamus was sitting across from her and Dean was leaning against a wall behind Seamus. Their sixth year was ending in 3 days, it was insane to all of them.

They were about to start their final year at Hogwarts and then the beginning of the rest of their life.

Nothing about Elizabeth, which was worrying Sage a lot. Elizabeth was always nice to her no matter what, although the two were never super close.

"They'll find her," Seamus said, realizing Sage was out of it again.

Sage turned to look at Seamus "I really hope so," she mumbled. She still couldn't erase the fact that they were gonna graduate in a year.

Sage knew as her sixth year was ending, Dumbledore would be gone soon, at her hands.

Would anyone find out? Besides Draco of course. Snape already knew that she was a part of all this.

She was starting to regret it, she was starting to feel manipulated into all this like she was a toy.

Every time she tried to picture the real villain, to remind herself, she sees Dumbledore. She sees Dumbledore using Remus or Draco as a motivation to do what he wants.

Made her wonder, who's really the villain?

The sky faded dark and once Dean and Seamus got up to walk around for a bit, Sage left a few minutes after them.

The atmosphere was different and she had a strong feeling tonight was the night. Albus Dumbledore would be dead forever.

She made her way to the potions classroom, opening up the heavy door. "Professor Snape?" She questioned as she shut the door behind her. She received a short glance from his grey eyes. "Is it-?"

Snape nodded "It is," he said, "Remember Sage, you don't have to do this."

Sage nodded "I know I don't, but I feel as if it's too late to back down now?" Snape told her, Sage thought about it for a moment.

But shook her head "No I can't," she insisted, "I have to do this."

"Malfoy's already there, I think when we get there... you need to be there with him, he can't know about me right away. I have to see if he's actually going to do it," Snape explained.

Sage and Professor Snape made their own way to Dumbledore's office, as they arrived Snape said the password, and the door opened, voices could be immediately heard, muffled and arguing. Dumbledore was talking calmly to Draco. Sage meant eyes with Harry right away.

His eyes were drowning with confusion. But Sage ignored them and looked up to see Draco. Right as she began to walk up the stairs, Draco pulled his sleeve down, "He trusts me!" Draco insisted, "I was chosen!"

Sage watched the dark mark, Dumbledore's face dropped. "Draco..." Sage said hesitantly, Draco turned his wand towards her and she threw her hands up in the air.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

Sage ignored his question, "Draco please, calm down," she begged.

Dumbledore looked over at Sage and sighed, "I shall make it easy for you," Dumbledore said as he raised his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco yelled, the wand flew from Dumbledore's hand.

A door moving was heard downstairs... Sage hoped it was Snape. "There are others? How?" Dumbledore asked.

"The vanishing cabinet, in the room of requirement," Draco explained, "I've been mending it."

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