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seventh year

Sage never received a letter from her father. So she spent the last month of summer break at the Finnigan's home.

It was a somewhat calm last month of summer. But maybe that's because both sides were preparing for a war.

Sage slowly stepped onto the Hogwarts express, Seamus trailing behind her. She turned to look at Seamus's parents, who just smiles, before getting on the train for the last time.

She was returning for her last year at Hogwarts. She would be 18 in a couple months. An adult. It was all finally sinking in.

"So, seventh years I guess," Seamus said, as they found an empty compartment, not seeing Dean.

"I guess so," she said and sat down, looking at him.

Seamus sat across from her. "Pretty crazy."

Sage nodded, agreeing. "Yeah crazy."

It didn't take that long for Dean to join then, like always Dean began to talk about his yearly trip to America. While the other two talked about there last month of summer together.

"Next summer, you two are going with me," Dean told them, a smile forming on his face.

Sage looked at Seamus and back at Dean. "We would both love that."

Dean smiled and took ahold of Seamus's hand. "Good, my family would love to have you two."

Seamus nodded. "So no Harry, Ron, or Hermione this year?" He asked, looking over at Sage.

Sage slowly shook her head. "I don't think so, they're doing stuff for the war, at least that's what I've heard."

Seamus looked down. "Hogwarts isn't gonna be the same this year," he said. "No Dumbledore, Snape is running the school, which sounds horrible enough."

Sage sighed, crossing her arms. Snape was just a spy, just like she was supposed to be. But they didn't know that. Why was it bothering her so much that they hated Snape? Maybe it's because she knew why he was doing all this, it was to protect Hogwarts. Or maybe it's because she was starting to realize that what Dumbledore did was wrong. He manipulated her. She was a child and he was using her like she was a weapon in this war. And now Harry hates her, thinks she betrayed him because of Dumbledore.

Sage just nodded slowly, not wanting to say she agreed, but she didn't want her best friends to get suspicious of her.

The train was a lot quieter than usual, more eerie. Everything was going to be different. The students of Hogwarts just had to prepare.

"Elizabeth's father died, he was killed by death eaters... I was there," Sage began to explain after a long moment of silence. Her friends just stared at her. "It was stuff to do with the order... and it just happened the green light just flashed, and killed him."

Seamus bit his lip gently. "I'm sorry Sage, I can't imagine how Mrs. Callier feels... first her daughter and now her husband."

Sage nodded. "I tried writing to her, but I didn't get a response. I hope she's okay."

"We can try visiting her at Christmas?" Dean suggested. "See how she's doing."

"If we're able to, we will," She agreed. Her legs were stretched a long her seat now.

"Seventh years," Dean said with a sign of relief. "We did it."

"Yeah we did it but I can't stop thinking about who didn't make it, who should of been here with us," She admitted.

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