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the third task

Sage smiled as she arrived at the third task, loud music was being played and people were happy. Sage looked around as people were crowding into the bleachers, so she hurriedly went to find seats with Seamus and Dean.

Sage smiled over at Cedric who was circled with the other champions. There was a large maze behind them. "Attention! Welcome to the last task of the Tri-Wizard Tournament! Professor Moody has placed the Triwizard cup deep into the maze. Only he knows its whereabouts. The first champion to get to it wins. Harry and Cedric will go first then they will be followed by Fleur and Viktor," Dumbledore explained. "If something happens and you would wish to be taken out, shoot red sparks into the air with your wand,"

Harry and Cedric lined up as the music dyed down, Fleur and Viktor behind them. Sage watched them as Harry and Cedric were released to go, Cedric ran in while Harry looked back before entering. Then the other two did. Soon the entrance they took grew over with a bush.

The stands chatted quietly as they waited for news on the champions, but for a while there was nothing. "Do you think Harry will win?" Sage asked.

Seamus shrugs, holding his 'Potter' poster "I hope so," Seamus said.

Dean nodded "I have good faith in him," Dean told them. Sage turned to look at her father who was sitting with Professor Moody and McGonagall. Amos Diggory was intently watching the maze waiting for his son to come out. Draco was admiring his girlfriend. 'Girlfriend' he thought. Sage Lupin was his girlfriend.

Sage smiled at her father before turning back to Seamus and Dean. "Cmon Harry," she whispered quietly to herself.

Suddenly red sparks shot in the air and Fleur is brought back and comforted by her school. Then not even 5 minutes later more were shot for Viktor Krum.

That left the two Hogwarts champions. "He's so close," Seamus mumbled. "Cmon Harry, cmon,"

Sage placed her hands in her lap as she wanted impatiently for the one of the two to return.

Most students were just ready to go home for the summer. It didn't seem like either of the boys was returning soon so people went back to talking. "I sure hope our fifth year is somewhat normal," Sage admitted.

"It's always pretty normal for us, you get yourself roped into Harry's troubles," Dean joked.

Sage sighed "Guess that is true," she admitted. Suddenly Harry and Cedric appeared, making everyone stand up and clap. Sage jumped up happily "Woo!"

"Yes, Harry!" Seamus yelled, sticking his poster into the air, the music started playing again and Amos Diggory and Mr. Weasley hugged. Cedric and Harry had won together.

Sage's smile faded as she hears Fleur scream. Sage knew something happen. She happened to stand on the bleachers to get a better look before seeing Cedric, dead. "No!" She screamed.

Her screaming caught a lot of people's attention, Dumbledore was already rushing down. "Keep everyone in their seats! A boy has just been killed!" Dumbledore told someone.

Seamus and Dean were confused "Sage what happened?" Seamus asked.

Sage covered her mouth "Cedric-" she started but was interrupted.

"Cedric! He asked me to bring his body back!" Harry cried, "I couldn't leave him, not there,"

Dumbledore tried pulling Harry off Cedric but Harry refused. "Harry!" Dumbledore yelled.

Harry was sobbing loudly, Sage caught a crying Cho, but she realized she was crying too. Seamus and Dean were now confused about Cedric's corpse with disbelief. "Let me through!" Amos Diggory shouted as Mr. Weasley tried to stop him.

"Amos!" He yelled.

Amos approached Cedric's body. "That's my son!" He cried, "That's my boy..."

Sage watched Professor Moody take Harry back into a room. Suddenly someone's arms grabbed her and she turned quickly "Dad!" She shouted. Remus hugged his crying daughter tightly.

He let go once he saw Professor Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape walk after where Harry went. "Sage," he said quietly before following the three of them, but Sage followed her father into Moody's room. When she walked in, the three professors were dumping something down Moody's throat.

"Are you Alastor Moody?" Dumbledore asked.

"No!" He answered.

"Where is he?" Dumbledore demanded.

Moody's eyes shifted towards a chest and they opened it, looking down it they saw the real Moody, Sage realized whoever was pretending to be Moody was changing back. Dumbledore watched him as he turned into a young man.

Sage's father covered his mouth as Dumbledore sighed "Barty Crouch... Junior?" He said knowingly.

Barty licked his lips "Potter," he said, pulling his sleeve up, "Can I see yours?"

Dumbledore forcibly pulled Harry's sleeve up, seeing a cut along his wrist. But Barty looked at Sage "Barty no-" Remus said.

"Sage?" Barty questioned manically, "Remember me?"

Sage looked at her dad and shook her head slowly "N-no?" She answered.

Barty chucked, "That's quite disappointing, god you look so much like your mother," He said, "But you got my eyes,"

Sage looked at her dad again and back at Barty "My mom? Your eyes?" Sage questioned quickly.

Remus let out a shuttering sigh, he was upset "I'm your father Sage," Barty told her "God- Marlene,"

Sage stood there silently, fiddling with her fingers, she looked at Remus "Dad?" She asked, "What have you been keeping from me?"

Sage stood there silently, fiddling with her fingers, she looked at Remus "Dad?" She asked, "What have you been keeping from me?"

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HAHA SURPRISE!! More will be explained in the next chapter and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Writing may be slower since I'm going through some tonight crap right now!

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