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Sage walked into the room of requirement where they were gathering again. As everyone arrived Harry started talking.

"Make it a powerful memory," Harry explained, "The happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up! Keep trying Seamus!"

Harry went around helping "Expecto Patronum!" Sage attempted but failed, but small light fell from her wand.

"A full-body Patronus is the most difficult to produce but shield forms can also be useful against a variety of opponents," Harry explained. Suddenly Ginny's Patronus emerged from her wand, it was a horse. "Fantastic Ginny! Just remember your Patronus can only protect you as long as you stay focused. So focus. Sage, try it,"

Sage looked at Harry, she lifted her wand, looking at it "Expecto Patronum!" Sage said loudly and her Patronus came from her wand, she smiles happily keeping the happy memory of her night at the Malfoy's in her head. Her Patronus was a ferret, how cute.

Sage smiled at her Patronus "Great!" Harry said happily and walked over to Neville, Hermione had gotten hers and it was an otter. "Think of the happiest thing you can,"

Neville bit his lip and nodded "Expecto Patronum," he said, but it didn't work. "I'm trying Harry,"

"I know it's good," Harry answered, "This I really advanced stuff guys, You're doing so well,"

"Woah-" Ron mumbled as his Patronus, a dog, came out of his wand.

Harry smiled at his best friend, the dog knocked Neville over which made Sage chuckle and then help her friend up "Expecto Patronum," Luna said kindly and her Patronus came out of her wand. A rabbit. Harry watched the Patronus flying around when suddenly a loud boom came.

Making everyone's Patronus's fall and the lights flicker. Glass broke and fell off a wall. Which revealed a hole. Everyone stood behind Harry and Nigel with their wands out.

Nigel walked towards the hole and peeked through, suddenly Harry pulled Nigel back and the wall blew up. This revealed Umbridge and the Inquisitorial squad. Draco.

Sage cursed under her breath, she had lied to Draco and now he knew the truth. Draco stared at her blankly. As he pulled Cho out, gripping her robe tightly. They all stared, Draco was upset. "Get them!" Umbridge ordered. Draco grabbed ahold of Sage tightly,

"Ow stop!" Sage hissed and Draco let up, his face dropping and a frown etched upon his pale skin.

But his eyes said more, he was protecting her more than anything. They took her, Harry, and Cho to Dumbledore's office.

"Watching the influence and seeing Dumbledore's um proof of what I've been telling you from the beginning Cornelius," Umbridge explained, Percy held onto Sage tightly, she looked up at the boy who had been a brother figure of her, her entire life. What had he become? "Or your fear-mongering about you-know-who never fooled us for even a minute! We saw your lies for what they were a smokescreen for your big toe seize control of the ministry,"

"Naturally," Dumbledore said blankly.

Sage stared at Dumbledore "No," Harry said. "Professor he had nothing to do with it was me!"

"Most noble of you Harry to deceive me," Dumbledore said softly, "But as it's been pointed out, the parchment clearly says Dumbledore's army not Potter's. I instructed Harry to form this organization and I alone am responsible for its activity's,"

"Professor," Sage started. Percy grabbed ahold of her tighter.

"It doesn't say Lupin's army does it?" Dumbledore asked, "Miss Lupin?"

Sage bit her lip "No but..." she mumbled.

"Dispatch and owl to the daily prophet," Cornelius interrupted, "We should still make the morning addition Kingsley Shacklebolt you will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban, to await trial for conspiracy and sedition," Dumbledore started backing away.

"Your honor, I thought we might hit this little snag," Dumbledore said, "You seem to labor under the conclusion that I will come quietly? Well, I can tell you this, I have no interest in going to Azkaban,"

"Enough of this!" Umbridge snapped, "Take him!"

Suddenly Dumbledore's Phoenix came flying in and he disappeared.

The three students stared at where their headmaster was once before. "You may not like it minster but you can't deny, Dumbledore's got style," Shacklebolt pointed out, winking at Sage.

She knew the man, he was one of her father's friends.


The next few weeks went by fast, with zero sign of Dumbledore. Umbridge had made the students study and study for the owls which were soon. But all the Dumbledore's army students had detention and Umbridge made them right "I mustn't tell lies" on a parchment continuously.

But now the saying was engraved in her hand. Finally, she was willing to meet Draco and talk about her lying to him.

She pushed the door open to the Three Broomsticks and saw the blonde sitting in the corner. Sage walked over to him "Hey..." she said quietly, making the boy lookup.

"Take a seat," he said and Sage did so. "Why'd you lie?"

Sage sighed "Because, I knew you'd be mad," Sage answered, looking at him, "Look Draco I'm pretty sure you-know-who would have joy in killing me, because of my family. I would like to know how to defend myself!"

"He won't hurt you," Draco mumbled.

Sage gave him a questioning look "Hm?" She asked.

"Nothing, I didn't say anything," He answered, "Sage, I know Harry is your friend but he's not a good person,"

"Bullshit," Sage defended, "Harry has always been there,"

"Really?" Draco snapped, "How does it feel that everyone, your father, your godfather, your friends, and professors care about him more than they care about you! How does that feel?"

Sage stared at him and with no control, she slapped him, a red handprint on his cheek. "Your an arse Draco Malfoy!" She hissed. Draco raised his hand to his cheek and stared at the girl.

Sage sighed "Sage-" he started.

Sage shook her head and left the three broomsticks.

Gryffindor Common Room

Sage collapsed on a couch, crying. No one was in the common room. Why did she slap him? Did she just ruin everything?

She laid there for a while before walking to the great hall.

She slipped across from Seamus and Dean her eyes bloodshot from the continuous crying. "Sage?" Seamus questioned. "Are you okay?"

For once in her life Sage was able to admit she wasn't okay, nothing was okay.

A/N:Trust me a lot is to come for Draco and Sage before fifth year comes to an end

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Trust me a lot is to come for Draco and Sage before fifth year comes to an end. Did you like Sage's Patronus? 🤣 anyways cya next time!

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