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a letter from home

Sage woke up the next morning, she changed into her robe, gathered her stuff for classes, and made her way to the great hall. As she took a seat with Dean and Seamus she quickly learned Harry and Ron weren't on speaking terms and now Seamus and Ron were these new best friends. Seamus was chatting quietly with Dean and Ron.

Sage looked over at Harry who was on the other side of her, "How are you?" She asked.

Harry sighed "I'm fine," he said quietly, "Just really nervous I guess,"

Sage nodded slowly and grabbed some breakfast. She ate silently, listening to conversations around her.

Before she knew it, it was time for her first class, charms. She walked to Defense against the dark arts, which was taught by Professor Moody. Sage took a seat next to Neville Longbottom, who was her desk mate.

"Hello students," Moody introduced as everyone's quiet chatters died down. "The ministry thinks your too young to learn the unforgivable curses. I say different, you need to know! So who knows an unforgivable curse,"

Ron raised his hand and Moody pointed to him "Well there's the imperious curse, my dad told me about that," Ron answered.

"Yes your father would know a lot about the curse," Moody said, "Imperio!" Suddenly a spider lifted into the air. Moody moved it around the room, scaring students, others laughing. "Quite fun right? What else?" The spider landed back on the front table.

Neville raised his hand hesitantly. "Longbottom is it?" Moody asked.

Neville nodded, "Well there the..." Neville trailed off "Cruciatus curse,"

"Yes brilliant! The torture curse," Moody explained. Sage watched intently "Come up here!" Neville stood from his seat and walked over to the front table. "Crucio!"

Sage watched as the spider moved in pain, Neville's face was scarred and upset, he winced at the spell. "Stop it! Can't you see it's bothering him! Stop it!" Hermione shrieked.

Moody stopped and took the spider over to Hermione "Miss Granger, care to name the last one?" Moody asked. Hermione shook her head. "Avada Kedarva!" The spider died.

"The killing curse. Only one person has been known to survive it," Moody explained, "He's in this very room," everyone's eyes turned to Harry.

The rest of the class learned a bit more about the unforgivable curses. Soon Moody released them. Neville's head was down as Sage left the room with him. He happened to stop but Sage thought to leave him to his thoughts.

She knew about his parents, why it bothered him, but she didn't wanna make it worse by bringing it up. Her dad always said the Longbottoms had fate worse than death; insanity.

The rest of the day went by in a breeze; before Sage knew it she was on her way to the library to meet with Draco.

He was already sitting at a table again as Sage approached him "Hey," she said softly.

"Hello," Draco greeted.

Sage pulled the chair out and took a seat. "Let's get started," Sage said.

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