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Sage sat in the bed thinking about quidditch, she wasn't captain anymore, she gave that post to Harry. But she didn't know if she wanted to play anymore, after losing Sirius it wouldn't be the same. Nothing would ever be the same now that Sirius was gone.

She tapped her fork on the table, it had been a few weeks since she started tutoring Draco again and it seemed the two were getting slightly closer again, but he hadn't told her anything about death eaters or Voldemort.

Down the Gryffindor table, Sage could see Hermione, Ron, and Harry talking quietly, it was like Hermione was disciplining Harry as she ripped his potions book from his hand.

"Long Day?" A familiar voice asked as they sat in front of Sage. Sage looked up to see Cho and she felt relieved.

"Yes," Sage said and smiled at the girl who smiled back. "It's about quidditch..."

"Still thinking about not trying out?" Cho questioned.

Sage nodded "Yeah, I love Quidditch but after what happened with Sirius I don't know if I could bring myself to play," Sage explained.

Cho grabbed her hand under the table, rubbing it comfortingly with her thumb. Sage smiled sheepishly at the Ravenclaw girl. "It's 100% up to you but no matter what your team will support you," Cho told her.

Sage nodded "Thank you, Cho," Sage said softly, "I love you,"

Cho stared at her for a moment before nodding slowly "I love you too..." She responded.

That was the start for the two realizing they weren't really in love. But they wanted to be, Cho never really moved on from Cedric and Sage loved Draco more than anyone.

Cho's smile faltered before she forced a smile back on her face. "With tryouts around the corner, I have to figure this out, tryouts are in a few days and Harry said I'm guaranteed the spot if I want to play but if not, Ron's gonna try out and I think Cormac McLaggen," Sage explained, "I don't even know if I still can play,"

Cho frowned, "Sage you are an amazing quidditch player, but if you wanna take a break this year you always have next year," Cho suggested, "I mean you've led Gryffindor into winning every year since Oliver graduated, but they'll understand. I'm sure Cormac or Ron will be good in the position as well,"

Sage nodded slowly "Thank you, Cho," she said softly.

3 days later

Sage sat in the great hall. She had made a decision, she wasn't gonna play, but she would help out with tryouts. Once it was time Sage walked down to the quidditch field with Harry and Ginny, they were in their jerseys.

They arrived and people are goofing off as Sage stood with Harry and Ginny in front of anyone, Ron was the only one listening. Harry tried talking over them but failed, "Shut it!" Ginny snapped and everyone went silent.

"Thanks," Harry said, "Alright um... now remember just because you made the team last year does not guarantee you a spot this year is that clear?"

"Yes," everyone mumbled.

"Good," Harry said quickly. Harry looked over at Ginny and Sage saw Ron looking up in the stands at Hermione. Then Cormac and Ron had a conversation, and Sage walked over to Ginny and Harry. They were ordering people into positions.

Tryouts were an hour long and Ron did great at Keeper, Cormac on the other hand wasn't so great, he was dodging the wrong way.

Sage enjoyed the tryouts but still felt iffy about her decision of dropping quidditch. But it was too late now.

The three broomsticks.

Sage went to meet Seamus after tryouts to enjoy a nice butterbeer and talk, probably about the Dean situation.

Sage opened the door to the Three Broomsticks and saw Seamus sitting at a table and once he saw her, he waved.

Sage walked over to him and took a seat. "Hey Sage," Seamus greeted.

"Hello," Sage said and smiled.

Seamus smiled back "How were the tryouts?" He asked.

"Not bad, all things considered," Sage answered, "Ron is actually pretty good,"

"That's great, can't wait to watch this..." Seamus said and went silent for a moment "Different quidditch team, a lot of the usual players aren't on the team,"

"Usual isn't the correct word, just what we've known since like our first year," Sage corrected. Seamus nodded slowly "How are your classes?"

"They're great..." Seamus trailed off as he looked to the left of their table. Sage turned her head to see what Seamus was looking at.

Dean and Ginny, kissing. "Get a room..." Sage mumbled under her breath. Sage saw Seamus's blank facial expression, and anger ran through her body, so she stood up.

"Sage?"  Seamus questioned.

Sage turned to look at him "I'm gonna go talk with Dean and Ginny," Sage said stiffly.

"Sage no- please don't!" Seamus begged. But Sage ignored her best friend and walked over to Ginny and Dean's table, Seamus rushing behind her. "Sage!"

Dean and Ginny both looked up from their intimate moment when Sage cleared her throat. "Hello you guys," Sage chimed.

Dean gave her a confused look but nodded slowly "Hey Sage?" He said confused, "Did you need something?"

Sage nodded "Yeah actually, I was wondering..." Sage trailed off and then stood up straight, "How it feels to be practically sucking Ginny's face off when you very well know you and Seamus did the exact same thing last year. You know that you never officially ended things with Seamus you just went and enjoyed your time with another girl that doesn't even know you'd rather be with Seamus, the guy who fantasized about constantly last year. Remember? Or are you too busy with Ginny now?"

Dean sat there shocked "Excuse me?" He questioned.

"You heard me," Sage said, shrugging.

Dean shook his head "Whatever Sage," he said coldly "Just leave Ginny and I's relationship alone, it isn't any concern to you,"

Sage rolled her eyes "Fuck you, Dean," Sage snapped and Seamus grabbed ahold of her.

"Sage!" Seamus hissed, "Let's go!"

Seamus practically dragged Sage out of there. Was she being dramatic about the whole situation? She was just sticking up for Seamus.

A/N:I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Merry Christmas and thank you for 2k reads on this story! It means so much to me, also go check out my tik tok @//fanticwriter_ and vote on the poll for my next story!

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I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Merry Christmas and thank you for 2k reads on this story! It means so much to me, also go check out my tik tok @//fanticwriter_ and vote on the poll for my next story!

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