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azkaban escapees

It had been a week since Sage returned to Hogwarts from Christmas break. Sage sat at the Gryffindor table with Dean and Seamus who were talking about their Christmas's. She was looking at Daily Prophet which the headline read 'Mass Breakout from Azkaban'

"Woah..." Sage said slowly, gathering the two boys that sat across from her, attention.

"What?" Dean asked.

"Some Azkaban breakout," Sage said, "We have confirmed the ten-high security prisoners in the early hours of yesterday evening did escape and of course the muggle prime minister has been alerted about the danger. We strongly suspect although the breakout was engineered by a man with personal experience of escaping from Azkaban. Notorious Mass Murder Sirius Black. Cousin of escapee Bellatrix Lestrange,"

"Wouldn't put it past him," Seamus said and received two confused looks from Sage and Dean, "I mean why wouldn't he help his cousin escape?"

"Well, have you met the Black family before?" Sage asked.

Both boys shook their heads, "Have you?" Seamus asked.

"Draco's part of the Black family," Sage answered, "So is my dads' girlfriend, who was disowned by the family. So for all, we know Sirius could have been disowned by his family so it could be someone else," Of course she knew the truth, but they couldn't know.

Dean shrugged "As long as it doesn't affect us it doesn't matter," Dean said.

Sage nodded "You're right, keep telling me about your Christmas," Sage said.

Quidditch Pitch

Sage adjusted her gloves and stood in front of her team. "Alright, this will be a tough match but we got this," Sage said. "Get ready,"

Everyone mounted their brooms and flew out. They flew to the middle of the field, except for keepers who stood in front of the posts. Madam Hooch started the match. Sage guarded the hoops.

Gryffindor started with the Quaffle, Angelina grabbed ahold of it and started flying towards the Slytherin Keeper, Miles Bletchley. Angelina passed the Quaffle to Katie who threw it in the goal, getting 10 points for Gryffindor, the Gryffindor crowd cheered loudly. Slytherin had possession of the ball and Sage could see Draco and Harry both chasing the snitch.

As Slytherin chaser, Cassius Warrington received the Quaffle from another chaser he made his way towards the goals, he took a shot and block! Sage blocked it. The Gryffindor's cheered again and Alicia took the ball. They went to score again but the Slytherin keeper blocked it.

The Quaffle in Slytherin's possession again, someone passed to Cassius who passed to another who went to score. Sage attempted to block it the ball from scraping her fingers but it went through the hoop. Slytherin's cheered loudly.

Sage looked over at Lee Jordan who changed the score to 10-10. Katie took the Quaffle and flew down the field, passing it to Angelina. Sage looked at Harry who had now lost the snitch. Then at Draco who was looking for it as well.

Sage watched Angelina take a shot and score. The Slytherin's worked their way down the field and shot again, Sage was able to block it get it back to her. The Slytherin beaters looked at each other, plotting against Gryffindor. Sage watched them intently in case they decided to start things.

Of course, they did. When the bludger was able to be hit at them, they hit it at Sage. She flew up quickly to avoid a head shot but it still hit her ankle. crack!

Sage winced, looking down at her ankle the crowd gasps. Fred flew over "You good?" He asked, hitting the bludger to the other side of the field. Sage could see Angelina and Alicia trying to get an open shot.

Sage nodded "Yeah I think so," she mumbled.

Fred looked down at her ankle "Doesn't look good, do you want me to call time?" Fred asked.

Sage shook her head quickly, as she saw Harry chasing the snitch, "He's nearly there," she said and Fred nodded before flying off.

Alicia finally was able to score and get another 10 points. Before Slytherin could score again Harry grabbed ahold of snitch.

Gryffindors irrupted in loud cheers "Gryffindor wins!" Lee yelled, Sage, smiled and flew down to the ground, her team already surrounding one another.

Sage hopped off her broom landing on her ankle. "Dammit!" She hissed, getting her team's attention.

"Maybe you should go to the hospital wing?" Katie suggested.

Sage nodded slowly "Yeah maybe, I'll be back later okay?" Sage agreed and turned around, Draco was standing there.

"Care for help?" He offered. Sage smiled and nodded and he took the girl's hand and helped her to the hospital wing.

Once they arrived Sage took a seat and Draco got Madam Pomfrey. "It's definitely broken," Pomfrey said as she examined it, "Nothing I can't fix!"

Sage smiled "Thank you," she said.

Pomfrey went to a cabinet and grabbed something. She grabbed her wand and pointed it at her ankle "It's just a minor break," Pomfrey said, making Sage nod she mumbled a spell and the bones snapped back in place.

Sage winced "Yep okay," she said slowly.

Pomfrey smiled kindly "Okay take a drink of this," Pomfrey said and handed her a glass of something, Sage gulped the disgusting liquid down. "Take a little to rest and then you're free to leave, it'll just be sore,"

Gryffindor Common Room

Sage had sat in the hospital ring for a few before separating from Draco and walking upstairs to the common room.

As the portrait hole flew open, she could hear partying. Any Gryffindor could admit the Gryffindor's took their victories to heart. "Our keeper!" Angelina cheered, pulling Sage over with the rest of the group.

A/N:Jeez, I haven't written in like 3 days and I finally got this published

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Jeez, I haven't written in like 3 days and I finally got this published. With Thanksgiving coming up I'm busy! Sorry, and I hope you're doing good!

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