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Sage's eyes blinked open before shutting again. "Shh- she's waking up," Remus hissed. The air was warm against her skin, she could hear flames in the background.

Sage's eyes opened as she stared into her fathers. Her head was pounding and she still felt off. "What happened...?" She asked slowly.

"We don't know... it's just... you passed out, without any symptoms or anything," Remus explained, "Do you feel alright?"

"My head hurts..." Sage replied, sitting up. Remus placed a gentle hand on her back. "I'll be okay Dad,"

Sage didn't know what happened... maybe it was the overblown stress she was handling, with all the stuff with Dumbledore and Draco. She just hoped it wouldn't happen again. "Do you need anything?" Remus asked.

"Can we visit Sirius?" Sage asked, "And bring Draco?"

Remus bit his lip and asked to bring a drink but finally nodded hesitantly, "Yeah, of course," he answered. Remus turned to the Weasley's, "You guys can stay at my place, there are two extra bedrooms, I have my transformations soon so Molly and Arthur, you guys can have my room,"

"Ginny can share with me," Sage offered, "I'm sure my bed is large enough,"

Remus nodded and Molly smiled warmly "Thank you, Remus," she said softly, before gathering her children and husband to be ready to apparate.

Remus grabbed his daughter's hand softly and apparated them to the Malfoy Manor. Remus sighed "I'll wait out here, okay?" He told her.

Sage nodded and walked to the front door, knocking softly. Narcissa opened the door a few minutes later, "Sage!" She said cheerfully, "It's a pleasure to see you!"

"Hi Mrs. Malfoy," Sage greeted.

"Narcissa is fine dear," she told her, "Come in! Come in!" Narcissa sounded hesitant for a moment, but Sage shook it off and stepped inside.

She slipped her shoes off by the door. "Can I go out with Draco for a bit?" Sage asked.

Narcissa bit her lip "Oh- of course!" She said quickly, "He should be in his room,"

Sage nodded and walked in the direction of his room, climbing up a grand staircase. She knocked softly "Go away mom," Draco said from behind the door. Sage opened the door slowly "What did I- Sage!" He had turned to face her, revealing a bruise around his eye. He quickly turned away.

"Draco? What the hell happened?" Sage asked, rushing over to aid him.

"Nothing, I just ran into a door," Draco said quickly.

Sage raised an eyebrow, "Don't lie to me, who did this to you?" She asked. Draco sighed and just hugged her.

"I love you so much," he said, burying his face in her shoulder.

Sage frowned, taken aback by his sudden emotions. "I love you too," she said softly, hugging him back. She found herself rubbing his back comfortingly. "Now tell me what happened,"

Draco pulled back, he had tears running down his face. Sage cupped his face softly and he stared at her. "My dad... he just gets mad sometimes," Draco explained.

Sage sighed "Draco... that isn't right," Sage told him.

Draco looked up "I know, but I made him mad... with some death eater stuff..." he said quietly.

Sage kissed him gently "Stay with me for the rest of break, the Weasley's are over though, Ginny is staying in my room as well," Sage offered.

Draco nodded "I would like that," he said.

Sage smiled "I know it's late but we're going to visit Sirius, we have a special spot for him. You can come, my dad said it was fine," Sage told him.

Draco nodded, "Okay, if it's okay with you guys," He said standing up with her.

Draco went down to tell his mother he was going with the Lupin's and Sage waited outside with her dad.

As Draco walked over Remus smiled at him "You and Sage can stay in our small shed in the backyard, we redid it recently, there's only one bedroom, I trust you guys not to do anything stupid," Remus said.

Draco nodded, "Thank you," he said.

Remus grabbed a hold of Sage, who grabbed ahold of Draco, he apparated to a small spot, it was in a cliff.

Remus and Sage had set it up the summer after losing Sirius. It was at the cliff that Sirius and Remus would spend their summers together, having cute little dates. That way no one would know that they were together. Draco stepped back from the two of them to give them space.

Sage and Remus took each other's hands and kneeled in front of the homemade grave. "Merry Christmas Sirius," Remus said.

Sage leaned her head on his shoulder, turning to face Draco for a second.

Remus was already crying, but he held his daughter close. Remus lost a lot with Sirius, they were teenage lovers, maybe they would have been more if it wasn't for Peter.

Sage sighed "We miss you..." she mumbled quietly. Sage pulled her wand out and used it to put some flowers on Sirius's grave. Remus hugged Sage, before standing up. Sage stood up after him, they walked back over to Draco and she received a hug from him.

Lupin Household

Sage went outback to the recently renovated shed with Draco. Sage unlocked it and pushed the door open. She looked around "Well here it is," Sage said, shutting the door behind them.

Draco smiled and looked around, "It's nice," he told her, kissing her forehead.

"There's a little food around here if you're hungry," Sage told him.

Draco nodded, "Thank you," he said and sat down on a couch.

Sage walked over and sat next to him, Draco wrapping his arm around her. "What entirely happened with your dad?" She asked.

"Just me, I was scared about some stuff I have to do," Draco said, "He kept telling me it's in my blood and I just panicking,"

"Panic attack?" Sage questioned.

"Sorta, how'd you know?" He asked.

"Back... the night of the Yule Ball, when you told me you loved me," Sage explained, "I couldn't get the words out, I ran off,"

"I remember," Draco said.

"Yeah, so I ran off... I guess I had a panic attack, that's what Dean said at least," Sage explained, "I sorta had one a couple of weeks ago, but I ran into Dean and Seamus and calmed down with them,"

"They seem like good friends," Draco said.

Sage nodded "They really are," she answered, "I'm so glad I have them," it was the truth. Seamus and Dean were some of the most important people to her.

A/N:I'm trying to update this story more! Because I have so many ideas I can't keep up with

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I'm trying to update this story more! Because I have so many ideas I can't keep up with. I have recently organized and written an epigraph for a 13 reasons why fanfiction, curiously what do you guys think of that.
TikTok: fanticwriter_

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