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yule ball

Sage sat in the Gryffindor Common Room with Harry and Hermione. "It's okay Ron. It's alright it doesn't matter," Ginny reassured as she and another girl names Clara walked Ron, who was speechless, into the common room.

"What happened to you?" Harry asked as Ginny helped her brother take a seat.

"He just asked Fleur to the ball," Ginny explained.

Sage and Hermione stood up and approached Ron.

"What?" Hermione asked.

"What did she say?" Harry questioned.

"No of course," Hermione replied.

Ron shook his head "She said yes?" Sage asked, gasping and covering her mouth.

Ron shook his head "Don't be silly," Ron dismissed, "She was walking by, you know I like it when they walk,"

Harry nodded "Yeah,"

Ron sighed "I couldn't help it, it just sorta slipped out," Ron explained.

"Actually you sorta screamed at her," Ginny pointed out. "It was a bit frightening,"

"What did you do then?" Harry asked.

"What else?" Ron questioned, "I ran for it. We still need dates, Harry,"

Harry nodded slowly "Sage?" Harry started.

"Already been asked," Sage interrupted. "Malfoy..."

"Draco?" Hermione questioned which made Sage nod. Hermione hugged her with one arm.

As the Patil twins walked by, Sage unsure of the Padma; the Ravenclaw, got in. "Hey Harry," they both said. Harry nodded politely, before turning back to them.

"Wait!" Harry called and the twins stopped. They talked it through, Padma was to go with Ron and Parvati with Harry.

The next night Sage stood in their dormitory with Hermione and the other Gryffindor girls in their year.

Sage was wearing a red dress covered in sparkles, Hermione wore a ruffled pink ombré dress.

Sage smiled at the girl who helped her with her hair. Sage looked into the mirror admiring herself "You look gorgeous," Hermione complimented, which got the other Gryffindor girls' attention.

"Woah Sage," Elizabeth Callier complimented, a fellow Gryffindor and friend of Sage. Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown both smiled widely.

The girls all giggled together. Elizabeth was going with Justin Finch-Fletchley. Lavender would be attending the dance with Michael Corner, a Ravenclaw boy.

Once the girls were all dressed they made their way to the great hall. Hermione lagged behind them. Once the three girls, excluding Hermione, arrived they split off to find their date.

Sage found Draco waiting for her inside "Lupin," he greeted, admiring her "You look lovely,"

Sage blushed softly "You don't look too bad yourself," Sage complimented. People started clearing the aisle for the champions to walk down, Draco and Sage watched as Cedric walked down with Cho Chang, a Ravenclaw in the year above her. Then Viktor Krum with Hermione. Sage clapped loud for her friend, happy for her. Viktor and Hermione were followed by Harry and Parvati then Fleur and Roger Davies, a Ravenclaw student two years above Sage.

The champions shared a dance before others started to crowd the dance floor.

Sage pulled Draco onto the dance floor and they danced, just like they were taught. Sage stared into his grey eyes. She saw out of the corner of her eye Seamus and Dean dancing together, they looked so happy. She missed them. But it wasn't her fault they were pissed at her, particularly Seamus.

Draco spun Sage, making her smile. "This is nice," Sage said softly.

Draco smiled as his hand rested on her waist. "It is," he responded. Soon some loud rock music by The Weird Sisters started playing. Sage and Draco separated from their waltz as they danced happily. "Wanna get some drinks, I see the mud- Granger walking over there,"

Sage smiled at his prevention of calling Hermione 'mudblood'. He was trying, she was proud of them. Sage nodded softly "Let's go," Sage agreed. The duo walked over to Viktor and Hermione. "Hey, Mione,"

Hermione turned towards Sage "Hello. Ron is pissed just so you know," Hermione said, nodding at Draco, who nodded back. At least they acknowledged each other.

"Why now?" Sage asked, sighing slightly.

"Mad he asked me too late, guess he doesn't want me going with Viktor," Hermione explained.

Sage knew Ron liked Hermione, and Sage was quite convinced Hermione liked him too. Sage talked with Viktor and Hermione for a few more minutes and Draco mostly stayed silent. But when some romantic music was played again Draco and Sage made their way back to the dance floor. Draco placed a hand on her waist as her arms wrapped up around his shoulders to the back of his neck.

They were dancing until Sage and Draco stared at each other again and kissed. Sage felt his soft lips touch hers. He placed her hand on his cheek gently before they both pulled back, a smile on both their faces. Draco bit down on his lip nervously, "Sage..." he said quietly, letting go of her waist. Sage let her arms drop to her side, looking at the boy. "I love you Lupin, I'm in love with you,"

Sage stared at the boy, but suddenly her chest tightened and she struggled to not panic, she felt like throwing up. Draco Malfoy was in love with her. She loved him back but why couldn't she say it. "I'm sorry- I'm gonna, go.. uh," Sage trembled and rushed out of the hall, leaving Draco confused. Sage went to the only place she could think of, the courtyard.

Seamus had seen his friend run out and he and Dean exchanged glances before going after her. Despite them being on bad terms, he still cared. Sage collapsed next to the fountain and she finally let tears fall from her eyes. What was going on? Why couldn't she breathe, why did it feel like her chest was on fire?

Seamus and Dean quickly rushed over to their best friend. Seamus kneeled in front of her "Sage? What's wrong? What happened? Are you okay?" He asked, flooding her with questions.

Dean put a hand on Seamus's shoulder "Accio water," Dean mumbled and a glass of water appeared in his hand. He kneeled down and handed it to Sage who took a sip.

"I don't know what's wrong... I'm sorry..." Sage trembled.

"It's a panic attack," Dean explained, "Used to have them all the time," Seamus leaned against the back of the fountain, wrapping an arm around a still teary Sage. Who just rested her head on his chest. Dean sat next to the two and they comforted Sage... together. Just like it always should have been.

A/N:Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and how much she values her friendship with Dean and Seamus

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Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and how much she values her friendship with Dean and Seamus. Her reason for rejection will be coming soon. New coloring on my tik tok soon as well fanticwriter_

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