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this is christmas?

Sage rolled her bags in the direction of the Hogwarts express. Draco ran up beside her "I can take your bags if you want," he offered, smiling.

Sage blushed softly and handed her bag over to him, "Thank you," she said softly, pecking his lips.

Draco smiled as they got to the entrance to the train, he stepped aside letting her go first. Sage stepped onto the train and walked along the aisle and found an empty seat for her and Draco.

Draco put their bags up as Sage sat down, once he finished he sat across from her. After a few moments, the train started to move. "You can come over to the Weasley's this year, at least for a bit on Christmas," Sage offered, "I'm sure they'd understand,"

Draco nodded, smiling "I would love that," he said. "I haven't really been around your family since before we started dating,"

Sage nodded "Well it's been weird recently, with everything going on," she admitted, "Anyways,"

Draco nodded. The rest of the train ride was calm, Sage had moved next to Draco as they talked about some school work. Before she closely snuggled into his side, he placed his hand gently on her knee.

Lupin Household

Sage opened her front door, Tonks had come and gotten her. Whenever she was home, she felt uneasy. The absence of Sirius is the main cause.

Sage took her coat off and hung it up, slipping her shoes off as well. Tonks smiled at her gently, setting the bags she had helped carry inside. "Your father is in his bedroom," Tonks told her quietly.

Sage smiled, "Thank you," she said softly, before rushing up the steps to her father's room. The door was opened, he was sitting on his bed looking at something. Sage knocked on the door, "Dad?"

Remus turned around, setting whatever he was looking at off to the side. "Sage," he said softly, smiling. He stood up and within seconds he hugged his daughter. "How has school been?"

"It's been fine," she said, pulling away from his grasp, "Doing some last-minute things to Dumbledore's plan,"

She couldn't go too in-depth but her father knew minor details, not that she was supposed to help kill Dumbledore if needed.

"That's great, how's Draco?"

"He's fine, the best he can be doing," Sage answered, Remus, took a seat back on his bed, sliding the object to the side. "What's that?"

"Pictures, from graduation," Remus replied.

Sage nodded, not wanting to bring anymore up. "Speaking of Draco, maybe he could come to the Weasley's, for Christmas?" She asked.

"Maybe after Christmas, the Weasley's are packed, Sage. Bill and Fleur are together now so no extra room, and he's also coming this year. And I'm not letting you and Draco sleep together," Remus told her.

Sage nodded, "Alright, thanks though," she said.

Christmas Day

Sage was sitting in a room, with Remus, Arthur, Harry, and Tonks. "Voldemort has chosen Draco for a mission," Remus told Harry.

Sage looked down, and Remus sighed, giving her an apologetic look. "I know it sounds like a mess," Harry admitted.

"Harry, has it declared to you that Snape was simply pretending to offer Draco help, so he could find out what he was up to?" Remus asked.

Harry stared at Remus, "That's not what it sounded like," Harry insisted.

"Perhaps Harry's right, Remus," Tonks said, glancing between the three of them, "I mean to make an unbreakable vow-"

MY LOVE   ,   draco malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now