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back to hogwarts

Sage felt her body hit the water, before she emerged to the surface, gasping for air. She looked around at the others, who had just come above the water as well.

They started swimming towards the shoreline. Sage climbed out, walking beside the others. "He knows, You-Know-Who," Harry told them. "He knows we broke into Gringott's, he knows what we took and he knows we're hunting Horcruxes."

"How is it you know?" Hermione asked.

"I saw him," Harry explained.

"You let him in!" Hermione questioned. "Harry you can't do that!"

"Hermione! I can't always help it!" He yelled. "Well, maybe I can. I don't know."

"Never mind what happened!" Ron interrupted.

"Well, he's angry," Harry told them.

"Of course, he is," Sage said.

"He's also scared," he said. "He knows if we find and destroy all the Horcruxes, we'll be able to kill him. I'll reckon he'll be stuck with nothing if we find the rest. There are more, ones at Hogwarts."

"What?" Hermione asked. "You saw it?"

"I saw the castle!" Harry exclaimed, they were changing into dryer clothes that Hermione had. "And Rowena Ravenclaw. It must have something to do with her. We have to go there now."

"What?" Hermione shrieked. "We can't do that! We've got a plan, we've got it figured out!"

"Hermione? When have any of our plans actually ever worked?" Harry questioned. "We plan, we get there, and all hell breaks loose."

"He's not wrong," Sage said, finishing getting dressed. "One problem, Snape is headmaster now."

Ron nodded. "Yeah, we can't just walk in the front door."

"Sage can," Harry mumbled, but loud enough for the others. Sage rolled her eyes but didn't argue it. "Um, we'll go to Hogsmeade. To honeydukes. Take the secret passage to the cellar. There's something wrong with him."

"What do you mean?" Sage asked.

Harry shrugged. "You know, it's like in the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts. And now everything just feels disconnected."

"Maybe it's the Horcruxes?" Ron suggested. "Maybe he's growing weaker, maybe he's dying?"

Harry shook his head. "No," he said. "No, it's more like he's wounded. If anything he feels more dangerous."

They arrived at Honeydukes and went inside. They started looking around.

"You bloody fools," someone said and revealed themselves. He was old and had a long beard. "What do you're doing here? Do you have any idea how dangerous it is?" Sage recognized him, but couldn't place a finger on it.

Ron nodded. "You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother," he said.

"It's you who I've been seeing in here," Harry told him. "You're the one who sent Dobby!"

"Where have you left him?" He asked.

Sage looked down at the mention of Dobby's name. "He's dead," Harry told him.

"Sorry to hear it, I liked that elf," Aberforth said.

"Who gave that to you?" Harry asked, pointing to the mirror behind him. "The mirror?"

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