Chapter 67. The Departed

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Elena is lying on the couch again, while Matt, I, and Stefan are cooking in the kitchen. 

Elena says "I'm being over coddled. I feel completely fine"

Stefan says "You're on house arrest. You're supposed to be coddled"

I say "So honey shut up to let us keep eye on you"

Matt says "Wouldn't it be smarter if we just got you the hell out of town?"

Elena says "And do what? Go on the run for the rest of my life? No thank you"

I say "She will be so much Katherine to me"

Elena gets up "And I'm not an invalid. I'm done with the couch" Elena leaves the room.

Matt says "So, you're just gonna let her call the shots?"

Stefan says "Letting her make her own decisions"

Matt says "Even if they're wrong?"

Stefan says "Nothing wrong with free will, Matt. Trust me, you don't realize that till you lose it"

I say "It's not wrong, I know what is best for her, Let her take her decisions and here with us she is safe, Matt"

We heard Elena calling out "Stefan" 

Stefan, I, and Matt looked towards the front doorway. The front door is wide open, and Elijah is standing in front of Elena.

I say "Elijah"

Elijah says "Hello again"


I am in the apartment alone, Mason meeting our mysterious helper Katherine and I'm nine months pregnant, I felt pain "No, no, not now" I felt the baby kick "Ahh! Oh god" 

I take my phone and I found a text from John saying that he is coming to the apartment.

I call Mason and He answer "Mason get your ass here, the baby coming"

"What? I'm on my way, Hold on until I come" he hung.

Later, the pain gets harder and there is a knock on the door, I went to the door opening it "Really Mason you have keys" John is surprised looking at me "Uncle" I lean on him "Ahh! Good to see you" I look at the woman with him "Who is she?"

The woman widens her eyes "She is pregnant"

John says "Isobel, are you stupid she is giving birth"

I entering the house "I'm fine, Ahh!" smile nervously "It's good to see you, Isobel" I look at John "Who is she again?"

John says "I'm gonna freak out, invite her in"

I say "Isobel come in don't be shy, We have two hours or six until I give birth"

John says "We need to take you to the hospital"

I say "I'm fine, just a little tired, Mason is on his way"

Isobel says "Is that Blood smell??"

I look at myself, I'm bleeding "Ahhh!" looking at John "My water just broke on your shoes" I hold his arms "Take me now and let Mason follow he is in Mystic Falls"

John lift me up "Good idea"


Elijah, Matt, Stefan, I, and Elena are together in the kitchen. Elijah says "All we need is to take that stake away from him. Once he's been disarmed, the weapon's in my possession, my family will scatter to the ends of the Earth and Alaric will follow us"

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