Chapter 14. Fool Me Once

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In Salvatore Boarding House, Damon is in the study, reading through Emily's grimoire. I am sitting on my laptop sending an email to the company in New Jersey. Stefan enters the room with an anxious look on his face. Damon does not look up at him. 

I look at him "Did you eat lemon, Stefan?"

Stefan says "Anna took Elena"

Damon says "Yeah, I got that from your 600 voicemails"

I stand "What?!" To Damon "You know?"

Stefan strides across the room towards Damon "Damon, all night long, every single street in town, I've been searching. What if your blood hasn't passed out of her system?"

Damon says "Well, then at least you know you'll see her again. and Eliana your blood in her system too"

"Please" Stefan sits down on the sofa, next to Damon "What do you know? You were with Anna, you must know where's she living. Just tell me where I can find her"

I say "Damon, it's my sister"

Damon looks up at Stefan "Nope. You can go. Really"

I hit Stefan and moved my lips 'Apologise'

Stefan says "You know, all I can remember is hating you. There might have been a time when that was different, but your choices have erased anything good about you" Damon lays the grimoire down and gives his attention to Stefan "But see, I also know you have just as much reason to hate me. This all began with me. Katherine got taken away from you because of me. And I'm sorry"

Damon says "Apology accepted"

Stefan says "So please, just tell me what you know"

Damon says "Huh"

I hold Damon's wrist "Please"

Stefan pleads "It's Elena, Damon. Eliana sister. If you know something, tell me"

Damon stands up and Stefan mimics him looking at Damon with anxiety "I mean this sincerely" Stefan nods, anticipating his answer "I hope Elena dies"  Damon walks past Stefan leaving the room. 

I follow him "Damon, Please"


"So I will go alone"

"Another no, my blood in your system"

"I don't care"

"NO, Eliana" Damon puts on his jacket, preparing to leave.


"I won't help them, sorry"


Elena enters the room and removes her scarf. Damon looks up at her. I hug her "You Okay?"

Elena says "Yeah, fine"

"I'm gonna have to change the locks. You stage a jailbreak?" Damon picks up the grimoire.

Elena says "Stefan"

Damon says "Ah, brother. Ever the white knight"

Elena says "I convinced Bonnie to help you"

Damon says "I doubt that"

Elena walks around the edge of the study towards the stairs, leading to the sunken part of the room where Damon is "I'm not gonna say that I'm sorry we got the grimoire without you last night because I'm not really"

Damon says "Well, at least you're honest"

Elena says "I was protecting the people I love, Damon. My sister is against me now because of you but so were you, in your own, twisted way. And as hard as it is to figure, we're all on the same side, after the same thing" Elena descends the stairs.

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