Chapter 21. Isobel

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In Gilbert's house, I'm on the phone with Damon, searching into my drawers "I have to go to my old apartment what if you help me to go to it"

Damon on the phone "Well, I'm doing great, thanks for asking"

"you are always great, hero. Checking on Stefan"

"Oh, him? Oh, he's...he's terrible"

"What's the matter?"

"He's just back to boring, straight-laced, off the junk. Elena has successfully cured him of anything that was interesting about his personality"

"Don't forget who helped Lena"

"I hate myself" smiles "Did Uncle John mention anything to you about my field trip with the history teacher?"

"No. I'm still been avoiding him. Lena too. Why? What's he up to?"

"I don't know. But I'd love if you could find out for me"

"I've got to go I'm late. I have to drive Lena to Caroline to prepare Mystic falls queen"

"Have fun with the Mystic queen, I know I did"

"When we meet I'll punch you"

 "Are you jealous?"

I hang up, looking at Elena "He is annoying"

Elena nods "I know"


In high school, Elena called me because there is an emergency in school, I get into the class, and Alaric greets "Eliana!"

I arrive alone "Sorry for late some trouble"

Damon arrives too.

Alaric says "Damon, thanks for coming"

Damon says "Sorry I'm late. My dog ate my uh...never mind"

I look at him "You don't have a dog and Where the hell have you been?"

We look at Stefan and Elena.

Damon says "Later, What's with all the furrowed brows?"

I ask "Did you eat lemon?"

Alaric says "I saw Isobel last night"

I ask "What?"

Damon says "Isobel is here?" Alaric nods "In town?" He turns to me and looks at me, Damon to Alaric "Did you ask her about Uncle John?"

I ask "Are they working together?"

Alaric says "No"

I say "No they're not?"

Alaric says "No, I didn't ask"

Damon asks "What about the invention?"

Alaric says "Didn't ask"

Damon asks "Did she know about the tomb vampires?"

Alaric says "I don't know"

Damon asks "Did words completely escape you?"

Alaric says "No, I was a little too distracted by my dead vampire wife to ask any questions"

Damon turns to Elena, asking "What did she want?"

Elena says "She wants to see me and Eliana, Damon" Damon looks at me

Stefan says "Alaric is supposed to arrange a meeting. We don't know why or what she wants"

Damon still looking at me, saying "You don't have to see her if you don't want to"

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