Chapter 56. The Ties That Bind

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Bonnie, I, and Elena are searching through a pile of driver's license records for Bonnie's mother Abby.

I am wearing a moby baby carrier Mason is inside and playing with my hair.

We're looking through the records of everyone who is named Abby Bennett.

"Los Alamitos?" Elena gives Bonnie the record for a woman named Abby Bennett Wilson.

Bonnie says "Too old"

I say "Honolulu?"

Bonnie says "I wish. How many of these are there?"

Elena says "A lot. I asked the sheriff's office to pull up every single Abby Bennett in the country"

Bonnie says "I know we haven't been able to really...that things had been weird, because of Jeremy, so, thank you for helping me with this. I know you have a lot to deal with"

I say "There's nothing more important, Bonnie"

Bonnie says "It's surreal. Having to track down a woman, who bailed on her own kid" I smile nervously looking at Mason "I didn't mean"

I shaking my head "I know"

Elena says "You know, you don't have to, right? Let Stefan obsess over opening up the coffin. It doesn't have to fall on you"

Bonnie says "The coffin is spell shut. That makes it a witch problem. So it does fall on me. I was bound to see my mother again sooner or later"

Damon enters the house holding a manilla folder in his hand "Sooner. Abby Bennett Wilson, Monroe, North Carolina. Born in Mystic Falls Hospital, graduated at Mystic Falls High...blah blah blah" Damon hands Bonnie the folder and she opens it and looks at the driver's license record "A little compulsion helps sped up the research process"

Bonnie says "This is her"

Damon says "Yep. Road trip. I call shotgun"

Elena says "Yea-No"

Damon says "Want me to hang out in the back with you?"

Elena says "You're not coming, Damon"

Damon says "Why? I'm the one who found her"

I say "Okay, Damon. Look. Bonnie hasn't seen her mom in over fifteen years. We don't need your snarky commentary narrating the experience" 

Damon and I look at each other for a long time.

Bonnie asks "What's going on with you two?"

Damon says "We kissed, Now it's weird"

Bonnie says "Aren't you together"

I say "yeah, Nope"

Damon says "Nope"

I raise my eyebrow "Did you think?"

Damon says "You're the one who pushing me" he looks at Elena "Have a great trip."


In the living room, Mason is playing with toys while I'm watching TV, the door bangs. I stand up and open the door.

Tyler says "I'm sorry but I want to talk to you"

"Come in."

Tyler closes the door behind him and sit down "I came to apologize to you."


"You know? Mason's death has turned me into a bastard, and Klaus's mastery bond gave me strength and I'm rude to you."

"Don't apologize, you're under my protection, kiddo and we're family."

Tyler looks at Mason and smiles "How can you handle it with him?"

"I read a lot of books while I was pregnant, and he's a calm kid."

"he has Mason's eye"

"I can't imagine Henry looking at Letshia after giving birth."

Tyler laughs "I can't imagine him either, Mr. Forbes will teach me to control the Masters League."


"Make me fix my mistakes, Eliana."

"by tortured you?"



Stefan drives Elena, I am sitting outside, and Elena enters the house, I look at Stefan "can we talk?"

Stefan looks at Little Mason who sit in the old baby car seat "Who is this?"

I say "Henry's son, the new Hybrid." Stefan nods "Look, you remember the first time I saw you and told you I was your nightmare, Stefan, Elena loves you, don't push it as I do with your brother."

Stefan while holding Mason's hand "I love her, but I ruined everything."

"You're a good brother, and I can shoot a love arrow to help you."


I wink "I'll tell you when the time is right, but try to get close to her one more time."


Alaric moves close to Meredith's face and they kiss. Elena enters the house "Oh. Umm, hey, umm, sorry"

I enter holding the car seat "Hello"

Meredith says "I'm gonna go"

Alaric says "Okay, yeah, sure, sure, sure" She leaves "girls, I'm sorry"

Elena says "Please, it's okay"

Alaric says "It's not okay. I mean, it's not even my place. It's your place. It's Jenna's place. It's your family's place"

I say "The minute that you slept on that couch it became your place too. We needed you stayed. So thank you for that. Hey, look, I know it's hard. But Jenna's gone. And you're allowed to move on" Mason giggles "See, he agrees with me" I head upstairs.

Alaric says "Your smile back" I smile looking at him "It suits you"

I ask "What suit me?"

"being a mom"

"Mason is a great kid, good night" I head upstairs.


Narrator POV

Eliana falling asleep next to little Mason, hugging each other.

Damon enters the room from the window, smiling and put the blanket on them.

Damon wiping her hair "You need an apology, I think, Eliana" laughs "Can't you just say it instead of pushing me" smile "I know why, because I won't say it" he kisses her forehead "I'm sorry, baby" he left the room.

Eliana POV

I open my eyes looking around, no one was there but I found the blanket on us and I slept again, thinking It's supposed to be Elena.

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