Chapter 8. 162 Candles

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Narrator POV

The scene shifts between each character in the Sheriff's office, Sheriff Forbes is questioning Elena, Stefan, I, Jessica, Matt, and Jeremy over Vicki's disappearance.

Sheriff Forbes asks "Where did Vicki say she was going?"

Jeremy answers "She didn't"

"Did she tell her brother where she was going?"

Jessica answers "No she didn't say anything to him. She told Jeremy to tell him that she was leaving town"

"Is there anyone I can talk to that may know what happened to her prior to her leaving town?"

Matt answers "Stefan Salvatore may know. He came by the house to see her but she wouldn't talk to him"

"What was he doing there?"

Stefan answers "I was trying to help her, I knew that Elena was worried about her brother, he was dating Vicki and she had a drug problems, so I tried to help"

"So you got involved because Elena asked you to?"

Elena answers "I asked Stefan to help. I thought that, by helping Vicki, he was helping my brother and Eliana"

"What was her behaviour like those last few days before she left?"

Eliana answers "Up and down, very sketchy, like she was coming down from some major partying"

"Any signs of aggression or violence?"

Jeremy answers "None that I remember"

Stefan, Elena, I, and Jessica answer "No"

"So you believe Vicki really has left town?"

Matt, Stefan, Jessica, Elena and I answer "Yes"

Jeremy says "I'll miss her but...I think it's for the best"


Eliana POV

Stefan, Jessica, and I are waiting in front of the sheriff's office for Elena. Matt exits the building and walks past Stefan.

Stefan sighs "I was trying to help her Matt. That's all"

Matt leaves without answering.

Elena finally comes out and heads to Jenna and Jeremy "I'll meet you guys at the car"

Jenna nods "Ok" she leaves with Jeremy.

I take Jessica between my arms "Let's go"


In Gilbert's house, Elena and I are sitting on the couch. Jenna comes and sits next to us. Jeremy and Jessica are writing something behind us.

Jenna says "You're wallowing"

Elena says "So are you"

Jenna says "My wallow is legitimate. I was dumped"

Elena nods "Yeah"

Jenna gives her a look "Well Logan's a jerk. You didn't get a brush-off e-mail say: I'm leaving town. See ya"

I give them a look "I get worse"

Jeremy asks "Wanna keep it down over there?"

Jenna asks "Why? What are you doing?"

Jeremy says "Homework"

Elena turns to him "Since when do you do homework?"

Jeremy says "I gotta finish this. I'm way behind and__"

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