Chapter 35. The Descent

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In Salvatore boarding house, Rose is in the library, she seems sick. Damon enters her carrying a blood bag "I was born in 1450, that makes me 560 years old"

Damon says "Well, if you were a bottle of wine..."

"So I can die. I've lived long enough"

"You know, if you're gonna be morn, I'm just gonna kill you myself just to put me out of your misery" He pours blood from the bag into a glass "Come on, it's just a little werewolf bite"

"Just a little, fatal to a vampire werewolf bite"

"Well, according to a legend which is notoriously unreliable source. Drink up" He gives her the glass of blood "Blood heals"

Rose drinks "Yeah, it does feel like it's working"

"Let's have a look, come on. Let me see" He looks at the bite mark; it has gotten much worse and has spread further down her back.

"How is it?"

"Definitely...better. Right, Eliana?" 

I'm in the room and seem shocked by Rose's wounds. Rose looks at me, I smile "Um, it's not bad"

Damon asks "Where's Stefan?"

I say "He left. Elena needs you to talk to him. He's convinced that he has to find Isobel but we think that's gonna upset Elijah"

Damon says "No, can do. I'm with Stefan on this one but if you could play nurse for a little while..."

Rose says "It's not necessary"

Damon says "It is necessary. Eliana is a do-gooder. It's in her nature, she just can't resist" He leaves the room. 

I look at Rose for a second, then follow Damon out of the room "Damon. Is she gonna die?"

Damon says "Probably. The wolf bite caused some kind of infection and it's getting worse"

I thinking "Like poison?"

"I don't know, Ella. I'm not an expert in the field"

"I'm sorry"

"Death happens. We come, we go. Sooner she dies the better. It's gloomy as hell in here"


In Damon's room, Rose and I are there, I put her in the bed. Rose says "I hate this. I'm a vampire, I haven't had a cold in five centuries"

"Just get in bed. Don't act like kids"

"We don't get sick. When we die, it's fast and sudden and it's certainly not drawn out in illness"

I smile "You're not gonna die"

"Such a human thing to say" I look around Damon's room. I take a book and look at it. It's Gone with the Wind "Not what you expected?"

"No, I love this book, he too" We smile.

"You're lucky, you know. No one's ever love me the way you're loved"

"I doubt that"

"Trevor was my best friend. Nothing more. I spent all those years on the run from Elijah. I just never thought it was a good idea to set up roots. The whole idea of family is not exactly compatible with being a vampire. Why are you so eager to give up?"

"I'm not giving up on anything and Damon never said he loved me, we are just dating. Here" I give her a glass of blood.

"What do you call this whole deal with Elijah?"

"I call it my best option"

"It's your easiest option"

"That's not fair"

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