Dearly Departed

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The group all appeared in some sort of clearing, thanks to Glimmer's teleportation.

"Whoo!" She cheered, but Catra keeled over, a little sick from the sudden transport.

"I missed this!"

"Really? 'Cause I can stand to never do it again..." Catra spoke through a wavering voice, Adora helping her up.



Wrong Hordak looked up at the son, putting his hand up, gasping in awe, "This place is a true blessing. What is this tingling sensation?"

Bow put a hand on his shoulder, "That's warmth, buddy. Welcome to a living planet."

Nearby, Adora was peering through the bushes into the camp that was set up in the woods. The look on her face when she turned back showed just how worried she'd become.

"Hey, I think you guys should take a look at this."



Glimmer was the first to look through, and gasped when she saw what happened.

There were destroyed tents, clothing and material scattered about that were torn into pieces. It looked awful.

"No..." Glimmer breathed out, her voice low, "Where is everyone?"

"There was a fight..." Adora realized.

Y/N peered through, and couldn't believe it. They felt their body shiver a little at the thought.


Small little visions in their head of how it probably went down started to play.


It's... it's Ashten all over again...


But they needed to stay calm and understand exactly where the rebels ended up.


Entrapta stepped through, providing input, "Makes sense. Perfuma said the Rebellion was compromised. If someone in camp got chipped and went after the rest, it would've been chaos," she lifted her hands into the air before walking off.

The rest of the group hurried into the camp, and Adora picked up one of the helmets that laid on the ground.

"Adora, what if-? What if there's no one left?" Bow stammered, unable to find the words.


"We don't know that. They might have just moved camp. Wherever they are, we need to find them," She replied.

"Maybe they went back to Brightmoon? Or maybe my dad took them to hide out in Mystacor?" The queen suggested.

But Catra knew better and quickly discarded that idea, "We can't just traipse into your old hangouts and play nice with your pals. We don't know who's chipped," she shook her head, incredulous.


"Wow. You don't trust the princesses? I. Am. Shocked," Glimmer shot back at her, sarcastic.

"Really? That seems very in character for her," Entrapta pointed out the obvious, a hand on her chin.

"She has a point," Y/N acknowledged what Catra was saying, "We should try to gather as much intel as we can so that way we don't end up falling into a trap."

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