Chapter Eighty

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"Keiko," I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, "You need to wake up now."

My eyes fluttered open, and I sat up. Seems like I fell asleep on the couch after getting home from the police station.

"Hey, lunch is ready." My dad spoke softly, "Then I can take you to visit your friends and Shoto in the hospital like you wanted."

"Okay, thanks." I said quietly, slowly sitting up. Dad gave me a small smile, then walked off into the dining room.

I followed him and sat down at my seat. It's a simple lunch, just some soba. Everyone else was already at the table, except for Shoto and mom of course. Even with so many of us it was quiet, the only real noise was us eating, drinking, and my thoughts. I'm guessing no one spoke because no one knew what to say. I mean, what could you say after we were just attacked by villains yesterday and hospitalized, I found out so much more about my mom, and we don't know what Kiri's condition is.

It's funny how I still call him Kiri after knowing him for nearly three years. I probably could call him Eijirou or Ei, but at this point I've called him that for so long that I don't even really think about the fact that it's based off his last name. Of course I would call him something else if he asked, but.... I don't even know if he could talk right now.

We finished lunch not too long after starting, especially since no one talked. After that Himiko and I went upstairs to quickly brush our teeth, only because we're both going to the hospital. Dad likely did the same in him and moms bathroom. One we were ready, we got into the car and drove off.

The car ride was quiet too. Himiko and I just stared out the windows. My phone vibrated in my pocket, so I pulled it out and opened it.

🥦Broccoli Boi🥦: Hey I'm heading to the hospital to visit everyone, want to join me?

Me: Funny you say that, dad's driving Himiko and I down there right now

🥦Broccoli Boi🥦: Oh cool, I'll see you there!

Me: Yep, see you there

I slipped my phone back into my pocket. It'll be nice seeing Izuku too. I did just see him a few hours ago, but still. Seeing any of my friends is nice.

After more silence we arrived at the hospital. We walked in and went up to Shoto's room.

"Oh, you're here!" Mom stood up from her chair by Shoto's bed and welcomed us all with hugs.

"Hey Shoto, how are you doing?" My dad asked.

He shrugged his shoulders, "Well, I'm still in a bit of pain but nothing serious."

Himiko chimed in, "Have you been stuck listening to doctors blab about boring medical terms all day?" She chuckled slightly.

Shoto is one of us that wasn't injured too badly, so it doesn't feel as wrong to join Himiko in laughing as I said, "Says the one taking organic chemistry." She elbowed me in a playful manner. "But seriously, have you been up to anything interesting?"

He responded with a straight face, "I haven't been up at all. I'm not allowed to walk." He kept the straight face for a second, but then broke into laughter. We all joined in. He's a completely different person from when I first met him. Back then he could barely crack a smile.

"Hang on a second." Mom said, "You asked if he's been up to anything interesting." She crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly, "Are you implying that I can't keep him good company?" Her body language was annoyed, but her face had a huge smile on it.

"Oh of course not darling," Dad said, "We just thought you had decided not to stick around and leave him on his own."

"Yeah she left as soon as the doctors did. She probably went out to party without me."

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