Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Recently Shoto and I have been working with Mr. Aizawa and Principal Nezu to figure out how we could help Touya and Himiko while also weakening the LOV. We've been looking into this for almost a month now, and we know that Himiko could get away with one year of rehabilitation and living under supervision on campus for half of that time, and that Touya would need a year and a half of rehabilitation.

I've been able to text Touya during this time and tell him smaller details of our possible plan, and we also know that he can have some work done by people with certain quirks to help make his scars at least less prominent, which would make it easier for us to have him go under the radar without the public going wild.

My dad is also involved, and he's volunteered to adopt Himiko once we can get them, funny how I went from knowing I have one brother to having three brothers and two sisters.

"He said that the League is planning their next attack to be two months from now, correct?"

"That's correct, and he also said they won't be bringing any Nomu's since they lost so many when I was kidnapped," I said. "But they will be bringing a few extra recruits that are stronger than most of the ones from the USJ."

"Alright, I have a plan, but we're going to need to get a few explosives to your brother." Principal Nezu took a sip of his tea. "Do you mind handing me your phone, I know exactly how to get them to him, but in order for it to work none of you can be aware of his role."

I handed him my phone and watched as he sent a few texts and received some, "Alright, all done."

When I got my phone back it looked like there were no new messages, I'm guessing he deleted them. "So, will this be the plan that brings them back? Or is this just a small step?"

Mr. Aizawa replied for him, "This will get them back. As long as the League doesn't find out, you and Shoto will be able to see them again."

"Is there anything that we need to do for this?" Shoto asked.

"Yes, I'll tell you right now, but you can't let anyone else in on this. The entire plan could fall apart if you do." Principal Nezu stared us intensely, "Do you understand this?"

"Understood." Shoto and I replied simultaneously.

We went over the plan, and knowing Principal Nezu, it should go well.

"Alright, you two are free to go."

"Thank you, Principal Nezu and Mr. Aizawa." Shoto and I bowed and left the room.

"You're going to the hospital with your dad today, right?" Shoto asked.

"Yeah, mom said she wanted to meet him at some point, and he said he'd love to meet her." I adjusted my backpack straps, they were a little loose. "They've never met each other, so it would probably be a good idea for my parents to at least somewhat know each other."

"I suppose you're right, when are you doing that?"

I looked at my phone to check the time, "Well, my dad should be at the bottom of the hill in about ten minutes to pick me up for that. So very shortly."

"Well, see you for dinner then."

"Yep, see ya." He headed in the direction of the dorms, and I headed towards the bottom of the hill the school is built on.

"Hey kiddo." My dad said as I got into his car, "How was your day?"

"Good, I had another meeting with Principal Nezu, Mr. Aizawa, and Shoto right before this."

He changed gears and started to drive towards the hospital. "Any good news?"

"Yeah, we should be able to get them both next week. Before school on Monday we're going to get two more of my classmates in on the plan."

"Oh? Who?"

"I'm not allowed to say, sorry."

He laughed, "I suppose I should have expected that. This is a pretty big deal after all."

We talked about just about everything but the plan on our way to visit mom.

"Here, I got the door." My dad opened the hospital door and let me through before following me. I led the way to the front desk and then to the elevator.

"So, your mom's name is Rei Todoroki, right?"

"Yep, but obviously no one can know I'm technically Endeavors step...kid." It took me a second to think of something to replace stepdaughter. My dad got a puzzled look on his face. "You good?"

"Yes." He shook his head while stepping out of the elevator with me. "Her name seems familiar but I can't quite place my finger on it."

"I mean it is a fairly common name, I had at least three teachers with that name throughout elementary and middle school." I led him down the hall and to mom's room.

"Ah, you're right, that must be what I'm thinking of."

We arrived at her room and I opened the door. "Hey mom, I brought dad!" My dad followed close behind me.

"Welcome back Keiko! It's lovely to meet you-" Mom looked at him, squinting her eyes slightly, then widened them again. "Nobuyuki?"

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