Chapter Seventy-two

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    "Please, don't even try to fight." Hisashi said. "You're completely surrounded."

    About ten people had crashed through the floor above, getting dust and pieces of cement everywhere. Another thirty or so surrounded us on the sides. How the hell didn't I detect them sooner?

    "It really is a shame you're so smart. But I guess you wouldn't be where you are now without being at least somewhat intelligent." He laughed. "Anyway... I'm going to need you to come with me. Don't try and fight us. I'd like to keep the bloodshed at a minimum." The one's surrounding us closed in, "Of course, we're going to need to restrain you. Just as a precautionary measure."

    "Like hell you are!" Izuku shouted. "We don't even know why you're doing this!"

    "All in due time. Just keep in mind that you're outnumbered."

    "Do you even know who you're talking to?!?" Katsuki laughed, "We're from class 1A! We've seen shit way worse than this."

    "But you also have a quirkless girl to worry about."

    "HEL-" Himiko's voice trailed off as she was grabbed by one of the villains. She kicked at them before passing out. They pulled a rag away from her face. Must be chloroform.

    I pulled back my sleeves to create a shadow blade.

    "I wouldn't recommend that, Keiko." I froze up. Several of the villains have weapons aimed at Himiko. "Now come with us. Quietly, if you can."

    Izuku stood there, shaking. "Fine. Take me but leave her and everyone else out of this!"

    "Izuku," Ochako grabbed his hand, "Don't do this."

    "Yeah man, we can figure something out." Kiri said. "Right?" He seemed unsure of his statement.

    "I'm sorry son, but I can't do that now that they all know I have a plan involving you."

    I wonder if I could pull Himiko into the shadows. I might be able to get her to safety and then come back. But I don't want everyone else to deal with an onslaught of attacks once we disappear. What makes this more difficult is that they all have the same masks and outfits, so we couldn't tell who's quirk is who's.

    I used sign language to tell Katsuki my idea. He agrees it's risky, but if everyone knows it won't be so bad. Shoto saw us signing. "Do it." He whispered. "She has no way to protect herself. We do."

    I nodded.

    "Now what could you three over there possibly be discussing?" Izuku's dad asked.

    Katsuki laughed, "Just the fact that you're a bitch baby." He gave me a quick look. I pulled Himiko and myself into the shadows, grabbing her while getting away. The school is too far away for me to get there quickly without her getting really sick. I don't want her choking on vomit while sleeping. Where could I- that's right! Kyouka lives near here! Her dad is friends with Present Mic and could get hold of him easily.

    I appeared in their living room, quickly setting Himiko on the couch, "MR. AND MRS. JIROU!"

    The two came running, "Keiko?!? What happened?" Mrs. Jirou quickly went to Himiko's side.

    "Mr. Jirou, get a hold of Present Mic, there's a villain attack at the old parking garage south of Nihondaira Hill! Himiko was knocked out by cholorform, there's about forty villains!" I shouted, then got out of there.

    Hopefully they can get someone to us quickly.

    I got back as quick as I could, but that took a decent bit of energy out of me. Kyouka's house was only five or so miles away, so I could get there quickly using up a decent bit of energy, but it wasn't nearly enough to take me out of this fight.

    It was a full-on brawl. I jumped in by Katsuki and knocked back two villains. The concrete shook, and part of the floor above us was turned into a twenty foot pillar. On top of it was Hisashi.

    "Asshole won't even fight us himself." Katsuki muttered while kicking a villain's stomach.

    I used a shadow to throw a larger villain into a group of others. One created a force field that dampened the blow.

    I lifted Katsuki up with a shadow, then twisted my foot towards the group I knocked back, sending ice out, and freezing them to the ground.

    I quickly set Katsuki back down, I only had him up for a second so that he wouldn't get caught in the ice too. He cracked a villains mask with a blast, then punched them in the face.

    We kept fighting them off. There's so many. Katsuki and I each have a few cuts and burns on us, Shoto and Kiri are both pretty badly bruised, and I think Ochako dislocated her shoulder. Izuku's doing the best out of us injury-wise, just a few small bruises.

    We've done some decent damage too, about ten of the villains have been taken out of the fight completely.

    "Katsuki, on your right!" I exclaimed.

    Katsuki couldn't react in time and was hit by a rock in the right side of his face. I heard the crunch of something breaking. Shit, we don't have the time to worry about a broken jaw. He blasted towards the villain that launched it at him. He brought his knee up to the villains face and knocked them off of the parking garage.

    "What the hell broke!?!" I called out, holding down a villain with one shadow so Kiri could punch him, and blocking a blast of fire with another.

    "My fucking hearing aid!"

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