Chapter Thirty-four

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Since Shoto and I were the second team, it wasn't long until we were let into the path. I jumped at least a little at every stop, and Shoto barely reacted. The worse part so far was the girl that popped up from the ground.

"Does anything smell weird to you?" I asked, trying to find the source.

He sniffed the air, "Now that you mention it, it does smell like somethings burning."

I chuckled, "Do you think Katsuki got scared and blew something up on accident?"

"Maybe, can you see any fire?"

"No, but I'll go check from the tops of the trees" I quickly traveled up the closest tree and looked at the horizon. My eyes widened in fear, "Holy shit."

"See anything?" Shoto shouted up.

"There- there's fire everywhere!" I shouted back down. "It spread so fast, nobody in our class or the other class has a fire quirk right?" I came back down. "The fire, it's blue, nobody has a quirk like that."

"You're right, and none of the pros do either. I hate to admit it, since there were extra precautions taken."


"Yeah, we should try and find the others."

I suddenly got a chill down my spine, a voice spoke, "Everyone, two villains attacked us."

"It's Mandalay." I nodded in agreement and listened.

"It's possible that more are coming. Everyone, return to camp immediately. We're regrouping. Do not engage any enemies."

"Oh there go my plans to attack powerful villains." I said sarcastically as we started to make our way back.

"Yeah I'm sure that would've been tons of fun."

"I didn't take you for the sarcastic type." I chuckled.

"Hopefully nobody has been hurt yet."

I nodded while we ran, "Yeah, let's hope that's the case."

We soon ran into a student from Class B, he was knocked out and we started to notice some purple gas around.

"It must be one of the villain's quirks." He picked the student up and put him on his back. "I'm worried about the others who're still in the forest."

"Agreed, and if some gas has made one person go unconscious who knows who else has." I formed a sort of mask for my face from the shadows. "You want me to make you one too?"

"Yeah, that would be great." I formed another shadow mask around Shoto's face, along with one for the student he's carrying.

"These should last for about ten minutes without much concentration."

"Thanks. Unfortunately, I don't think there's much else we can do now. Hopefully Ragdoll can take care of everyone else."

"I might actually be able to shadow travel and cover a fair bit of land, and at least try to track some people down. But depending on how fast I go, I might completely miss someone."

"Stop." His glare narrowed, looking down the path.

I gasped slightly, "Crap, I don't think he was at the USJ. We'll have no clue what his quirk is unless he uses it on us." I whispered, trying to see if there was a quiet way out. My eyes widenes, is that a bloody hand on the ground? "Which group was in front of us?"

"Tokoyami, I think, and Shoji."

The villain mumbled something, and slowly stood up and turned around. As he did so I saw his teeth, and only his teeth, he was in a straight jacket and all other features were covered.

He looked directly at us. "I have a job to do."

"We're not allowed to fight, right?"


"Well, they didn't say anything about defending yourself. If it comes down to it the masks will probably disappear." my hands trembled a bit, we've gone against villains before, but this time we're on our own and carrying an unconscious body.

Mandalay spoke to us through her quirk again, "Class A and B, the pro-hero Eraserhead has permitted you to use your quirks against villains. I repeat, use your training. You may fight these villains."

"So much for only defense."

"We should try and get away from him, we don't know what his quirk is yet."

We started to run in the opposite direction, "Katsuki and Ojiro were behind us right? Maybe we'll run into them." I secretly hoped that Katsuki wasn't in the forest and didn't let his ego get the best of him. He might try and take on a villain too tough for him. I hope Izuku isn't in the forest either, knowing him he'll try the same thing.

"Listen, we've discovered two of the villain's targets." Shoto and I had gotten a decent distance from the villain we encountered and found a large bush to rest behind. We listened closely. "It's a student named Kacchan and one named Keiko."

"Huh? What do they want with us?" I said in a panicked tone.

"Kacchan and Keiko, you should try to avoid combat. And stick to a group. I hope you can hear me!"

"We should keep going, if Bakugou was in the group behind us we could make him join. He trusts you and will stay willingly." Shoto peered from behind the bush and motioned me to get up.

Metal blades shot out in front of us, nicking my arm. "I thought we lost that guy!" I turned around to see the blades were coming from his teeth. "At least we know his quirk now."

"We need to keep going, and you need to avoid fighting." He shifted his foot and put an ice wall between us and the villain. "When he breaks through can you make a wall to move with us?

"Yeah, but let's put up a black ice wall just in case."

"Right." As his ice shot from his foot, I forced shadows to make a wall shape, creating the shadow ice we had managed to discover at the sports festival. It's tougher and less likely to melt, so it should put more distance between us.

I could hear the metal hitting the ice as we ran. I looked behind us and he shot up into the air, using the trees to his advantage.

"Damn it!" I put up a barricade to surround us, keeping our front open so we can see.

He jumped in front of us and smiled. "Show me your exquisite flesh!" More teeth shot out, I was barely able to react in time, putting the barrier in front of us.

"Keiko, Icyhot! What the hell are you doing?!?!"

"Trying not to die! Where's Ojiro? He was with you right?" I pushed back on the barrier, causing the villain to fly back a bit.

"Tails went back to base, but when I heard they were after us I came to find you." He ran to join us.

"Don't think I can handle myself?"

"We can't focus on that right now! He's coming back!" Shoto shouted.

Katsuki started to ignite his hand, getting ready to blast him.

"We can't start fires around here, the flames will spread! Everyone could die if we're not careful! Do you understand me?" He yelled, "It's too dangerous to stay here."

I nodded, "Besides, we're not supposed to engage."

"Yeah I get it, I'm not stupid!"

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