Chapter Twenty-seven

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A.N.- I know I skipped quite a bit of the festival, but basically everything is the same except Keiko managed to beat Tokoyami by controlling dark shadow, and Katsuki beat Keiko by setting off explosions so quickly that she couldn't stay in any shadows without getting burned.

"Nice work at the festival today, you'll have the next two days off of school to recuperate." Mina, Jirou, Denki, Kiri, Sero, and I all eyed each other, knowing tonight we'd be going up to Mina's grandfather's cabin as a group. Katsuki however, is still pissed that he won since Todoroki didn't give his all.

"Get some rest, you still have a lot of training." Aizawa finished talking and let us go, slowly sifting through some papers.

Before leaving I went to Izuku, "Hey Izuku, you doing alright after today? You took quite a beating."

"Yeah! Thanks for asking, and congratulations on getting third place! I didn't know your quirk could be powerful enough to control dark shadow."

I laughed, glancing at Mina, who was patiently waiting, but motioned that we had to go. "Neither did I, I just thought it was worth a shot."

"C'mon dumbass, we have places to be." Katsuki pulled on my arm to drag me away.

"Right, that reminds me, Izuku."


"I won't have internet where I'm going, so you'll need to update me on Tenya's brother when I get back, I hope he'll be alright." I started walked away, giving a solemn smile.

"Will do, have fun!"


We headed to the entrance of the school after grabbing our duffel bags from our lockers, and when we got outside Mina's dad was parked in a dark blue van. "Climb in everyone!" Mina exclaimed, swinging open the back doors.

The van has three rows of seats, two seats in the first two rows, and three in the back row. We got in and seated ourselves. Mina and Jirou in the front, Katuski and I behind them, and Sero, Kiri, and Denki in the very back.

"Everyone, this is my dad!" She pointed to the man sitting in the drivers seat.

"Hi everyone, I'm Kazuki Ashido, but you can call me Mr. Ashido." He started driving as he talked, he seems chill, but his red skin with yellow eyes kinda terrifies me. Also the fact that he has horns doesn't help. But I can see how he and Mina are related, her mom must have a skin tone closer to white.

"I'm so glad you guys could come! I haven't been able to have a large sleepover in forever." As she said that she leaned her chair back as far as possible and the headrest landed on my lap. "Hiiiiii." Her head was tilted back and she looked me in the eyes.

"Ummm... Hi?"

She poked my nose, slightly causing me to jump in my seat. "Hehe, you're so awkward." This whole interaction caused Katsuki to snicker.

"Mina, please put your seat back up."

Mina shot her seat back into an upright position, "Sorry dad!" Then she turned to talk to everyone. "Oh yeah, didn't Present Mic give us an assignment yesterday that we're supposed to finish by the time we go back to school?"

"Oh shoot, he did!" Denki exclaimed, he and Kiri frantically dug through their backpacks to get the homework.

"I finished mine already, so if anyone needs help I have answers." Sero spoke while cleaning out his elbows with Q-tips.

Brushing my hair behind my ear, I spoke up too, "I finished it too, but I can't guarantee the answers will be completely right, I'm more of a math and science person."

"It's alright, I'm an English kind of person, so as long as your not Denki I can help."

"Wha- Why are you so mean Kyouka..." Denki pouted, "Besides, I'm pretty good at English, I just forgot about it."

"It's a joke Denki, and I know you're good at English." Jirou fiddled with her ears while tapping rhythmically on her leg with a pencil. "I'm sure Sero and Bakugou can help you if it's needed, or at least to keep you focused, but for Bakugou it's hard to say if he will or not."

"Like I'm gonna help dunce face." Katsuki slouched into his chair and huffed. "And either way I left my homework at my house, I didn't see any point in bringing it since I finished it and it wasn't due today."

"That's understandable, but you can be a little nicer about it Kat."

"What the hell kind of a nickname is that?" He glared me while everyone else giggled, and Mina mouthed something to me with a smirk.

"I don't know, it just kinda... happened I guess. Besides, it's fewer syllables."

"Tch, whatever, but I get to call you Kei, or Ko. Depends on my mood."

"Oh quit it you two lovebirds!" Mina playfully spoke, "We can focus on this later when we have room to fight to the death!" Everyone except Kat cheered about fighting to the death, obviously joking. At least I hope.

"There will be no fighting to the death, Mina." Her dad glared at us through the rearview mirror, then slowly smiled. "I remember when I was your age, there were plenty of fights to go around."


"All right, all right. I won't blab about my youth." He focused his eyes back on the road, "But seriously, if any of you get hurt or killed then I'm responsible, and I don't feel like going to court."

Mina let out a loud "hmph" before complaining, "Awww man, that's no fun."

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