Chapter Forty-two

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We landed in an alleyway a block or two away from the large crowd gathering to watch the fight on the news. I got off of Katsuki's back but immediately fell. "Ah shit."

Izuku glanced at my ankle, "You sock is completely soaked with blood! What happened?!" Kiri and Tenya looked too, worry filling their eyes.

Katsuki lifted me off the ground, letting me use him as a crutch. "She got injured for the sake of protecting me again. Glasses, get this dumbass some medical help."

"R-right!" He walked over and put me on his back, "I'll get you there as quickly as possible." I winced in pain as he grabbed my legs to carry me, "Sorry, I hope you're not in too much pain."

"Thanks Tenya." I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, careful not I grab his neck too tightly. "I think I'll live."

"Don't do anything stupid on your way there."

"Yeah I know, not like I can do much fighting after that. You three be safe too!" Tenya took off, rushing to a makeshift clinic that was set up for people who were injured due to the fight.

Once we arrived I was asked for my name, birthday, and what my injury was. The nurse had Tenya set me on a table so she could examine my injury, concluding I needed stitches.

"All right, I have everything set up so that this will be painless, and you will be awake for it."


"Of course, we can't just let dozens of people with injuries have to travel over half an hour to get help in this situation." She injected a numbing medicine into my calf, numbing everything below that point. "Sir, whether you stay in here or not is up to you, as long as you don't get too close to her leg, we wouldn't want her to get an infection."

"Yes of course. I think I'll stay, I should make sure you're okay."

"Hey Tenya."

"What is it Keiko?"

"Do you think that when my stitches are done, or whenever you get the opportunity to, you could call Shoto? I need to talk to him about something. Katsuki and Izuku too." I could feel my leg being lifted up but nothing that was actually happening to it.

He grabbed his phone from his pocket, "Of course I can. I don't have Bakugou's number, but I'm sure you do. If you don't have it memorized I can always just call Izuku and have him bring Bakugou along."

He called Shoto first, then Izuku, each saying they could be there within twenty minutes and Yaomomo would tag along. The nurse and doctor finished stitching me up said that they couldn't allow more people in until I was done, but it should only take thirty more minutes.

"Is there any possibility that while I'm here you could do a DNA test on me." Tenya looked at me, utterly confused. I'm not surprised though, so far I'm the only one who knows about me being related to the Todoroki's.

"We just so happen to have someone here that can match your blood to anyone else just by touching it. It's then stored in his brain and can match it up to anyone he's ever touched the blood of. We've had him touch thousands of samples." The nurses explained through her mask, "Is there any specific person or family tree you want to test for?"

"Yes, actually. I need to prove my relation to someone."

Tenya leaned forward in his chair, "Keiko why would you need to do that?" He ran his hand through his hair. "Who are you related to?"

"I promise I'll explain later, but I need to talk to the others first. There's some important information I need to tell them."

More time passed, Tenya and I both sat quietly for the rest of the time the doctors worked. "Alright, you're done, try not to stretch it out too much. You go to U.A., correct?"

"Yeah, I do." I slowly sat up, "Why?"

"Whenever you can, get to Recovery Girl so she can fully heal you. For now use these crutches." The nurse let them lean on the side of the table. "You will have to stay here for at least another fifteen minutes, just to see if you will need any pain meds."

As she was leaving she turned back to me, "Oh, your friends are here, and I'll send that other nurse as soon as possible."

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