Chapter Sixty-one

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    Thats the signal. I rushed in first, using my shadow travel to sneak up on a very confused League of villains. I went towards the back of the pack, grabbing a villain I didn't recognize and pulling them into the shadows. I rushed around the building while keeping them in the shadows for about twenty seconds almost at my highest speed.

    I threw them out of the shadows near the police. This made the villain so nauseous they couldn't even stand, let alone fight. From there the police should be able to restrain them and use some fancy technology I don't understand to prevent them from using their quirk. Everyone reached the warehouse by the time I got back, the plan is going perfectly so far.

    I grabbed another villain right before she landed a blow on Aizawa. I think Himiko said her name is Magne, but that doesn't really matter right now. I hear someone screaming at Himiko and Touya as I grab someone else. That's three down. The others are keeping the rest of the villains at bay, and the more I capture the less work it is for everyone else.

    This went on for about three or four minutes. I've captured two unknown villains, Magne, Twice, and Kurogiri who I had to travel with for almost a full minute because he just didn't quite get sick enough the first time. Luckily he didn't have enough time to react and use his quirk.

    Now we just have Mr. Compress, who is currently stuck on the ceiling, most likely because of Ochako, Shigaraki, Spinner, and one unknown. I grabbed Mr. Compress since he was so easily available, then returned after making him sick.

    Mr. Aizawa told me once I get at least five of the villains to fight with them since shadow traveling that fast for that long is so exhausting to me. You would think with them outnumbered like this that we could be more dispersed, but it seems like Shigaraki has gotten more powerful and the last unknown villain is quite powerful.

    I feel sorta sick myself, but I have to do what I can to help.

    "Dabi, Toga." Shigaraki clicked his tongue. "I suppose it's a good thing you don't know about something I stole a while ago." He quickly grabbed something out of his pocket and aimed it at Touya.

    It's a gun.

    "Get down!" I shouted at Touya. I tried to grab the bullet with shadows as it flew out of the barrel. But my stomach just felt so sick that I couldn't focus enough.

    He couldn't react in time, it got him right in the shoulder.

    "SHIT!" He cried out. Wait. It doesn't look like a real bullet. What is that? Touya pulled it out of his shoulder. "A needle? Really?" Everyone just stood there, shocked, even the villains. "What the hell did you think that would do?"

    Shigaraki just stood there grinning. Something isn't right.

    "You'll see." He started running at Touya with his hand stretched towards him. Touya got ready to fight and everyone snapped back to reality.

    Touya smirked, his fire is gonna burn this whole damn place down if he's not careful, but if he doesn't use it worse things could happen. Shigaraki got closer, and Touya started to panic. Why is he not using his quirk?

    Shigaraki pinned him to the ground, his hand on Touya's face.

    "Eraserhead... I see you're protecting him." Shigaraki stood up, "I suppose I should've expected that. But Poor Dabi here can't even defend himself anymore!"

    "What the hell did you do to me!" Touya screamed and pulled out a pocket knife, stabbing Shigaraki's calf.

    "You bastard!" He winced in pain, "I took away your quirk! It uses a similar formula to what's in Togas 'secret' medication." He stomped on Touya's leg, and Touya yelped in pain. I think his leg is broken. How was he able to steal something like that? You would expect that something that powerful would be heavily guarded.

    "Now, if you'll excuse me, I think we should go. Kurogiri!" He stood tall and waited. "Kurogiri!" He looked around slightly confused.

    "You really don't care about your teammates, do you?" Mr. Aizawa asked. "One of my students already captured him, and there's no way he'd be able to hear you or even use his quirk." While Shigaraki and the others were distracted Izuku and Shoto helped Touya up and quietly got him out of the building.

    "Fine. I suppose I'll just have to take a hostage. Spinner! Get the traitor!" Spinner quickly grabbed Himiko who was only a few feet away from him, holding a blade up to her throat. "Try anything and I won't hesitate to have him kill her."

    Vlad King had been fighting off the unknown villain, but now couldn't do anything without getting Himiko killed. The villain broke away from the frozen blood that kept his feet stuck to the ground.

    Ochako was close to me, and crouched down to check on me. She quietly whispered, "You alright?"

    "Pretty nauseous, but otherwise fine." I focused on Himiko... I can probably restrain Spinner with my shadows. I subtly held my hand out to manipulate the shadows around him. Shadows began to creep up behind him.

    Ochako grabbed my hand. "Don't. You're too sick." She reached into her back pocket while the villains started to back away, still facing us. "I have a different idea." She had one of the red orbs in her hand. I can't believe things have gotten this bad. She touched the orb with her fingers, making it even lighter than it already is.

    But she's right, I am too sick. I never get this nauseous, but I went past my limit in speed and how long I could keep it up. I'm doing my best to keep myself from hurling.

    She made eye contact with Izuku and Shoto, they seemed to know what she was thinking just from a look. Mr. Aizawa did too.

    "Himiko!" Ochako shouted, Mr. Aizawa turned off Spinner's quirk as she threw the orbs to Himiko. Shoto used his ice to freeze Shigaraki to the ground. Every time he would disintegrate it Shoto would make more, and Izuku and Vlad King were fending off the unknown villain.

    Himiko's eyes widened, she stomped on Spinner's foot, putting him out of commission for a second. She lunged out of his arms, and he couldn't control any blades to go after her. She caught the orb in her mouth and bit down on it. Blood splattered on her face, and then she swallowed.

    She quickly turned into me. Or at least looked like me.

    She faced Spinner and used a shadow to keep him from moving. She smirked, "Who's the hostage now?"

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