Chapter Fifty

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    After another few hours everyone had arrived and fully unpacked and all hung out in the common area. By then Katsuki and Tsu had gone to bed, and I can't blame them. But because Mina is Mina, she and a few others had proposed that we go around to see who has the coolest room. After we see everyones rooms we would all take a vote for the coolest.

We started at the bottom floor, and the first room was Izuku's. It looks almost exactly like his room at his house does, full of All Might merch.

Tokoyami blocked his door, not wanting to let us in, but Mina and Toru pushed him out of the way. They both talked about how dark and scary it is, but honestly it's not that bad.

"Woah, Tokoyami this is really cool! I kinda wish I bought blackout curtains too." Tokoyami seemed a bit uncomfortable so I was about to leave, but something caught my eye and Izuku's.

"A sword? That's so cool!"

"Yeah I love all the details in it! It looks so carefully made!" I exclaimed, stuff like this fascinates me, and I want to upgrade my wardrobe to be more gothic, or at least something like that, but I just haven't have the time to money to do that fully. He did eventually make us all leave, but was a little less harsh with those who helped him with Dark Shadow when the villains attacked.

Aoyama's room was the complete opposite of Tokoyami's, bright and glittery, pretty much exactly what I expected. Ojiro has a pretty plain room, nothing particularly interesting. Tenya's room was full of books and glasses. It's insane how many glasses he has, there are probably over thirty pairs on the wall. Denki's room was all sorts of mismatched, not a single pattern or color matched. He claimed it was because he just got whatever he could and rolled with it, which in all honesty is very fitting for him. At least his fashion sense is better than that. Koda's room had a lot of light colors, some plushies, and a pet rabbit. If I had a pet I would complain but I was happy just petting his fluffy rabbit for a minute. Kirishima had a very "manly" room, with a bunch of work out equipment and inspirational quotes, and a lot of red, possibly to match his hair. Shoji also had a very plain room, there was only a desk and bed. He said he's never understood why someone would fill their room with junk, and from the little I know about him that tracks.

"Alright Hanta, you're up next!" Mina exclaimed. "Let's see it!" Hanta opened up his door to show off his room.

"Woah! It's so exotic!"

"Yeah I really like it!" Ochako added, "You even have a hammock!"

Hanta looked extremely proud of his room, and to be fair it was really well decorated, and everyone seemed to enjoy it. Once everyone was done looking around he closed his door.

Before we could move on he stopped us, "Oh, hey guys."

"What's up bro?" Kiri asked.

He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, I was thinking, since we're all going to be living together now..." He took a quick breath, "I thought I should tell you guys that I idenifty as non-binary... and I would like it if you used they/them pronouns for me..." He looked up as us all nervously.

"Of course we can do that!" Mina jumped and hugged him, no... them, "Right guys?" She half hung off of Hanta, smiling at us. We all agreed, which Hanta seemed very relieved about. Huh, I've never really given a lot of thought about my pronouns and gender.

"Man am I glad I'm not the only one!" Kyouka lightly punched them in the shoulder. "I was really worried."

"You use they/them too?" Hanta asked excitedly.

"Well... she/they, but still it the same realm!" They fist-bumped each other and congratulated each other on coming out. Everyone agreed to do their very best to respect their pronouns, which made them both feel very welcome.

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