Chapter Fifty-seven

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        "Keiko- do you..." Rei seemed unable to wrap her head around everything, she motioned to a chair, "Please, sit down." I sat in a chair right next to her bed, resting my hands in my lap.

"I can't believe it... I've watched you grow from this hospital bed... I never thought I'd get to meet you." She reached her hand out to me, "May I?" I nodded, and she cupped my cheek in her hand, rubbing her thumb under my eye to wipe the few tears that had started to form. "It really is you." She smiled ran her hand though my hair.

"Yeah... Touya told me about you. It's nice to finally meet you." Without warning she leaned forward and hugged me, squeezing me tightly.

"I'm so glad you're both okay." She sobbed into my shoulder, "I was so worried... So worried I'd never get to-" She hiccuped, "I'm sorry." I hugged her back. "I'm so sorry Keiko. What they-" She hiccuped again. "What they wanted to make you do is horrible, I knew all their plans but couldn't say anything about it." She slowly left our hug. "I couldn't do anything to help. And Touya- if I could've just made that bastard go watch him..."

"Mom, it's okay." Her eyes lit up, but then died down again.

"Should you even be calling me mom?" She looked down at her hands. "After all, I've never even met you before... I didn't raise you."

"I know that, but the mom that raised me is gone now..." She looked at me solemnly, "So I don't have another mother figure in my life, and since I found out that Shoto is my brother he's been nothing but kind to me, and even with the circumstances, I'm happy to accept you guys as my family."

"You have no idea now happy that makes me, once I get out of here you could live with us! We could have family meals together, we could all..." She trailed off. "You still live with your dad. Please forgive me, I forgot."

"Hey, it's alright, either way I would at least visit."

"Oh, " Fuyumi said while looking at her phone, "I'm sorry I have to leave you guys so early but I have to get home to work on student plans." 

"Oh, are you a teacher?"

"Yep! Kindergarten, I work with special needs kids. And Natsu needs to leave too, he still has homework."

"Oh shoot! I forgot about that!" Natsu panicked.

Fuyumi picked up her bag, rolling her eyes at him, and hugged our mom, "Bye mom." Natsu said goodbye to her too.

"Goodbye, come back soon."

"I will." She said goodbye to Shoto and I, and surprised me with a hug too. "I'll see you all again soon!"

"I'll see you around I guess, it was nice meeting you Keiko." He held out his hand for me to shake.

"It was nice meeting you too."

They both left, so now it was just me, Shoto, and our mom. He took the seat Fuyumi was in, and the rest of the time we were there we talked about how school was going, stuff that Touya and Himiko told me, I told her about my interests and hobbies, just getting to know her more in general. When it was time to leave I was a bit sad, but she told me she wants to meet my dad at some point, as a way to get closer to me. I doubt my dad would be against it, he would probably want to meet my siblings and mom that he wasn't married to so he knows at least who I'm hanging around.

"I think that went pretty well, " I stretched my arms as we walked out of the hospital, "Don't you think?"

"Yeah, its a good thing she already knew about pretty much everything so she wasn't questioning why some random kid was in her hospital room."

"Yeah I suppose so." I shrugged, "By the way, didn't you say you wanna learn to play smash on my switch with Izuku, Katsuki, and I?"

"Yes, you seem to enjoy playing it, and I consider you three my friends."

"Just be warned, Izuku and Katsuki both rage loudly."

He glanced at me, "Really? I never would've expected that from Midoriya."

"Yeah it's pretty funny, and didn't he say you could call him Izuku?"

"He did, I just forgot."

I laughed at him, "Well I guess if you want we could do that tonight, provided Katsuki agrees, but I think it'll be fun!" I thought for a second, "Maybe I could even hook it up to the big tv in the common area and we could have a big competition where everyone plays!"

A.N.- They did indeed have a competition. First place was Hanta as Luigi, second place was Hagekure as Zelda, third place was Izuku as Little Mac, and last place was Momo as Jigglypuff because she had absolutely no clue what she was doing.

Also, I wasn't able to finish a Halloween drawing of Keiko and Katsuki, but here's the line art with lighting and eyes.  Katsuki as Eren and Keiko as Miskasa!

  Katsuki as Eren and Keiko as Miskasa!

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