Chapter Thirty-nine

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"So you're dating the loud blonde we kidnapped?"

"Ha, yeah, it's a long story but we are. We went on our first official date right after I got out of the hospital from getting punched by that Nomu."

Touya raised his eyebrow, "But there's no permanent damage, right?"

"Nope! Recovery girl healed me completely since I got help so soon after."

Himiko giggled, "Good to know you're doing well overall, it's nice to have a friend."

"It's too bad I can't just bring you guys back to my house or something, but I'm glad that we've kinda worked things out and have a vague plan." Himiko skipped up to me and handed me a hairbrush, "I didn't realize you brought one of these."

"A girl's gotta keep neat, brush your hair, and after can you maybe braid my hair? I've been trying to teach him, " She gestured to my brother, "But he's useless when it comes to hair."

"I can hear you, ya know." Touya rolled his eyes at her. "But she's right, I can't braid hair to save my life."

I started to brush my hair out while talking, "I'd be happy to braid your hair, do you want one or two?"

"Just the one please."

Once I finished with my hair I got up and started to undo hers, then brushed it starting from the bottom and working my way up.

"The heroes will probably arrive at the bar soon, which means the rest of the league will use this place as their backup plan." Touya smiled at us, "Unfortunately you'll have to stop your little girl party, and I'll have to strap Keiko up again, it'll look suspicious if I don't."

I nodded in agreement as I finished with Himiko's hair, "Are you going to move Ragdoll so they can save her too."

"I already moved her closer, that's why I took so long earlier." She stood up and admired her braid, "Thanks! If anyone asks I did it myself out of boredom." She held her finger to her mouth, pretending to shush me.

"Got it." I zipped my mouth closed and went to the wooden chair.

"Alright, I'll strap you back up, " He got up from the floor and dusted off his pants, "I won't make them too tight, and I'll try to 'accidentally' press the button to deactivate the collar."

"Well, thanks for telling me about my mom, " I looked at my feet, "Even though it's really sad... It's kinda like I found a puzzle piece I didn't know I was missing."

"Make sure we stay part of you life puzz-"

"Shh." Touya raised a hand, "I saw something moving in the window, we need to stop talking like this now, and Himiko."

"Take the anti-meds, got it." She quickly ran off to the dark.

"As much as I hate to make her do this, she needs to get rid of the medicines effects, or the League might find out about everything. She'll still be herself just... More exaggerated. Her quirk doesn't quite add personality traits, it just enhances them."

I looked towards the window he mentioned earlier, I think I can see some vague form of a persons head, but I can't tell who it is. I looked back at Touya, "I understand."

Himiko skipped towards us, "I'm baaaaack." She had her gear from camp on now, "I guess I get to stab some people soon." She fiddled with a knife, looking solemn, I guess even with her enhanced personality, she still feels bad about hurting people.

"And before we have to stop talking completely, please do something about Endeavour, he's a horrible person and an even worse father, don't let Shoto go through any more trauma because of him." I nodded and smiled, and he smiled back. It's going to be difficult, but we can be a family again.

"By the way, I set bombs under the Nomu's, as long as you don't talk and Himiko doesn't talk, they won't even think about it being my fault." He lifted a remote from his pocket and moved to push a button, but before he could a large crash came from behind me.

A powerful force pushed me forward in the chair and the device around my neck clicked open, I slipped out of the restrains and took a second to collect myself. I guess that was the perfect opportunity for Touya to "accidentally" unlock it. I choked on some dust and turned to see Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, Tiger, and Mt. Lady at the giant hole in the wall.

Tiger ran forward and grabbed me and Ragdoll, he carried us back to behind Best Jeanist, "Are you alright?"

I coughed again, still inhaling dust, "Yeah, I'll be aright, and as far as I know Ragdoll should be okay too." He breathed a sigh of relief before staring down Touya and Himiko while the others captured the Nomu's. It seems my brother and Himiko aren't highest priority right now.

From the back of the warehouse a voice sounded, "Sorry Tiger, but Ragdoll's quirk was so useful that I just had to take it for myself."

"Somebody get us a light!" Tiger shouted back towards Gang Orca, the other heroes, and I. They need a light, but I can see fairly well since I've been adjusting to this darkness since I won't up. There seems to be a tall man in a suit at the end of the building, but I can't make out a face.

"Since my body was destroyed, I haven't been able to stock up on quirks." Is this the higher up boss Touya was talking about?

"Stop there! Don't move!" Gang Orca called, stretching his arm out in front of me.

Without warning Best Jeanist used his quirk to restrain the man, with Mt Lady complaining that he could be a bystander. Based on what he's saying, I seriously doubt that.

A bright flash spread throughout the building, sounding off another explosion of sorts. In a panic I surrounded myself in a shadow dome. Once it was quiet again I slowly got rid of the dome.

The man was floating in the middle of wreckage all around, I finally got a good look at the scene, and all I saw was the capability to kill. I became sick to my stomach, realizing just how bad the damage was, it seemed like all the heroes were in some way incapacitated.

I held one hand to my mouth and my other to my stomach, trying not to vomit. I wasn't wearing any sort of gear, if I hadn't made that dome I could have died. My stomach lurched forward, feeling a strong urge to vomit. I could have died. That sentence really sunk in, but I'm still alive. It's okay, definitely fine. Maybe I'll wake up from a dream. No, this is definitely real.

I looked up to see that Himiko and Touya had also been protected by some sort of dome, I'm guessing their boss made it. I locked eyes with Touya, and looked down, his could he be involved with this chaos? I looked back up and his eyes were pleading, pleasing for what? Maybe forgiveness, for me to give some acknowledgment to him, for me to be okay? I don't know, but I can't forget he's trying to stop this, otherwise I wouldn't be freed right now.

"Todomura!" I heard Tiger call out weakly, "Get to a safe place! Hurry!"

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