Chapter Forty-six

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"Coming!" My dad called towards the door. He opened it up and let Mr. Aizawa and All Might in. I had heard about what happened to him through my friends and the news, but seeing All Might like this in person is... sad if anything. It's crazy to think that someone who was so tall and muscular could shrivel down to be so skeleton-like.

Mr. Aizawa and All Might both bowed to my dad, "Good morning, Mr. Himura."

"Good morning gentlemen, why don't you come sit at the table." He said, leading them to the dining room table where I already was.

They sat down across from my dad and I and brought out some papers. "I hope you're healing well, young Todomura."

"Oh, yeah Recovery Girl stopped by the other day so I'm fine now."

Mr. Aizawa straightened his papers and said, "Thats good to know. I apologize to both you and your father for allowing this to happen."

"Mr. Aizawa, it's not... entirely your fault that I was kidnapped."

He raised an eyebrow at me, then shook his head, "Listen, I am taking full responsibility for all injuries that came to your class. No exceptions." I nodded and listened while he explained how the dorms would be set up and how daily life would change, with All Might chipping in every now and then.

"Before I forget, I should notify you that there was a student in your class expelled. It does actually work out well for the classroom set up." He slid the papers for my dad and I to sign over. "You see, there was a scheduling error which caused me to have twenty-one students in my class. The principal would feel horrible to kick someone out after they've already been excepted."

"Who was expelled? And why?" I was praying it wasn't one of my friends, with the new dorms set up we wouldn't be able to see people outside of school often.

"Due to numerous sexual harassment charges, along with video proof, Mineta was expelled, he will no longer be allowed on the campus."

I breathed a sigh of relief as I signed my name. "Thats good. The way he treats us is just..."

"I agree, I'm not really supposed to be telling the students the reasoning but I've seen how uncomfortable you all can be around him. Seeing relief on my students faces makes me feel confident I made the right choice."

"Keiko has mentioned this student to me before, I'm glad that something was done. As much as I hate to see someone's future taken away, it's probably for the best." My dad handed the papers back to Mr. Aizawa as he spoke, "Thank you both for making sure my kid came back alive."

"Of course, that's what heroes do." All Might said, "Just let us know if you have any additional questions."

They started to pack up to get to the next student, but before they could finish I asked them, "Do you think it's possible for a villain to rejoin society?"

Mr. Aizawa and All Might eyed each other and looked at me concerned, and from the look my dad was giving me he knew exactly who this was about.

"That's an odd question young Todomura, what's the reason for this question?"

"When I was kidnapped... I was the one who decided to go with them." They tensed up and their eyes widened. "I'm not working with them or anything." I added, Mr. Aizawa and All Might relaxed a little. "I went because they had Katsuki-"

"Young Todomura, I understand you're close, but you shouldn't be that reckless."

I nodded, "I know, but I also went because... because my brother is with the league, and I needed answers about my mom." Their eyes widened again, more worried than on edge this time.

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