Chapter Twenty-six and a half

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A.N. - I realized after writing the previous chapter and the next couple of chapters, that I completely forgot to include hero names, so here's a short bonus chapter of Keiko and the Bakusquad discussing what they want their hero names to be (and what Keiko decides on).

"Hey guys! Have you thought about your hero names yet?" Mina said excitedly while stuffing rice down her throat.

Denki chimed in, "I still have no idea!"

"Well you should probably decide on something, since we're choosing after lunch. I've decided on Cellophane!"

"I definitely think that'll get approved." Mina giggled, "I picked Alien Queen."

"I really like that, I think it suits you!" I quickly took a bite of my chicken and continued, "I'm stuck between two different names."

"Oh? What are they?" Kiri asked.

"It's either gonna be Tenumbra or Keibrosity."

"I'm guessing the second one has a bit of your name in it, but whats the other word in it? And which two are in the first, because that doesn't sound like a real word." Jirou mentioned.

"Well, Tenumbra is a combination of tenebrosity and penumbra. Tenebrosity basically means shadowy, and a penumbra is that dark center part of a solar eclipse, and like you said, the second one includes my name."

"I think you should go with Keibrosity! With your name in it, it gives you more individuality!" Denki exclaimed. Everyone agreed in some form.

"Well I'm glad you guys like the name! Thanks for helping me pick." I continued to eat, "Whay about the rest of you?"

"I'm going with Red Riot! After my favorite hero!"

"Crimson Riot, right?"

"Yeah! I didn't know you knew him Keiko!"

"It's difficult to not know when she was best friends with Deku for the last ten years."

I laughed, "Yeah, I know a lot more about heroes than I would if I wasn't his friend."

"Anyway, I'm going with Earphone Jack."

Denki and Mina give her fingerguns, seemingly having a telepathic link and stated, "Very cool my dude!"

"What about you Bakugou?" Sero asked.

"King Explosion Murder."

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