Chapter Twenty-three

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"Time's uuuuuuup!" Present Mic shouted.

We happened to be one of the groups that didn't get stuck in Todoroki's ice earlier, thanks to me creating a shadow wall like in the obstacle course. "Looks like we get to move on to the last event. Thanks for not brainwashing me."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." He climbed down off of us and released the other two from his quirk.

"In first place, team Todoroki!" I'm not surprised, they had three of the smartest and most powerful students in our class. Plus Denki. "In second place, team Bakugou." Also not surprising, I noticed that he went after some of the 1-B students, which means they could rack up multiple headbands with smaller point values. Smart thinking, unless someone pissed Katsuki off, which is more likely. "In third place is Tetsute- Wait, what?!?! It's team Shinsou! When did they come back from the dead?"

"Nice job Shinsou!" I held my hand up for a high five.

He just glared and me and rolled his eyes, giving a small smirk before walking away saying, "Thanks for all your help." Most likely referring to the other two, who seem to have no clue what's going on.

"And in fourth place is team Midoriya!" Really? That's awesome! It seems like the top people in my class all made it. That's sure to make things interesting. I'll have to congratulate Izuku and Katsuki when I get the chance.

"Now! Let's take an hour-long lunch break before the rest of the festivities!" Good, I'm starving.

I made my way to Katsuki, seeing he's having a little bit of a temper tantrum. "Is he mad that he didn't get first?" Mina nodded, sighing at his childishness.

"Hey Mina, Keiko."

"Hi Tsuyu!" I replied cheerfully.

"Please, call me Tsu."

"No problem." I gave her a thumbs up.

She redirected her attention to both of us instead of just me, "I wanted to congratulate you two on making it to the next round."

Mina rubbed the back of her head and sighed yet again, "Thanks, but Bakugou only chose me because I could melt Todoroki's ice. It's not like I helped that much."

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself, I was almost brainwashed in to joining a team."

Tsu looked curiously at me, "Really? Ribbit."

Mina had a similar reaction but didn't speak. "Yeah, I saw the purple-haired guy, who's name is Shinsou, brainwash Ojiro. So I was cautious and managed to get him to tell me his quirk, how it works, and avoid being controlled."

"Wow really? If I go up against him that could be some really useful informationnnnn." Mina grabbed at my shirt and tried to beg.

I laughed at her, and pulled her off of my shirt, "It wouldn't be very sportsmanlike if I told you how it works, or as Kiri would say, 'That's not manly'."

"Heyyyy, don't make fun of me." Kiri pouted.

I patted his hair, lightly enough to not mess it up, "Don't worry, it's all lovingly."

"Aw fine." He glanced around, "Everyone else seems to be leaving, let's go get some food. And find Bakubro."

"I'll go find him, and I'm gonna try to find Izuku too, I'll catch up with you guys soon!" I ran off too a shaded area and quickly got to work finding both of them, along with Todoroki.

Katsuki seems to be eavesdropping, and even though I tend to be against it, I've found myself doing it quite often lately. I came out from the shadows a few feet from Katsuki, that way I wouldn't startle him, and quietly walked up beside him.

He glanced at me and held a finger up to his mouth, signaling for me to be quiet. I nodded and stayed as silent as possible.

"You brought me here, now what?" Izuku spoke softly. "We should probably eat soon, the cafeteria is gonna be busy." He seemed nervous, but around someone like Todoroki, I'm not surprised. He always has this cold glare, and never shows any emotion. On top of that, he's in the top of our class.

"I was overwhelmed, and it made me break the promise I made to myself a long time ago." Does that mean he used his fire? That's the only thing I can think of. "Iida and Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Tokoyami, Uraraka. None of them felt it." Felt what? I probably would understand more if I were on one of their teams. "At that moment, I was the only one who could sense your true power. It reminded me of something, experiencing All Might's quirk."

I knew it! It has to be All Might he got his quirk from. I don't even know how that possible, but it's gotta he somehow, right? It's not like I'd be able to confront him. He would figure out I was eavesdropping.

"Oh yeah? Okay, is that all?" Izuku's voice shook, knowing him he won't be able to lie if Todoroki figures it out. Damn it, I might have to step in. If I do, then I can shadow travel a bit farther away, and take kinda loud steps, signal Katsuki to get out of here, then turn the corner and say something about how I was looking for Izuku.

Todoroki continued talking, "I'm saying, the power coming from you felt the same as All Might's. Midoriya, tell me." My heart is racing right now, this might not end well. "Are you really All Might's secret love child or something."

WHAT?!?!?! Oh no, I need to leave before I start laughing. I quickly shadow traveled to an area with no one nearby. I burst out laughing, trying to keep fairly quiet. I've met Izuku's dad once, before he left him and his mom, Inko. His father was never around anyway, so it didn't impact him nearly as much as my mom leaving me did. Holy shit I have a messed up friend group. After a minute I calmed down and caught my breath, rejoining Katsuki.

I missed a bit of the conversation. Todoroki seemed to respond to something Izuku said, "'That's not it at all' is interesting wording, it suggests there is something going on that you're not supposed to talk about."

Katsuki looks pissed, I'm sure it's no fun finding out that your rival has the number one hero helping him out. I gently placed my hand on his shoulder, and he turned his head to me. Tears seemed to form at the corners of his eyes. I signaled as best as I could that we should go. Especially since Todoroki started talking about his father, Endeavor, the number two hero. If that's the reason he doesn't use his left side, then it isn't our business.

Katsuki wiped his eyes and agreed, quietly walking away. We soon found Denki, Mina, Kiri, Jirou, and Hanta, all eating various foods. We joined them and ate too.

Of course, there was some goofing off, and oddly enough, we even managed to make Katsuki laugh.

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