Chapter Thirty-six

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"I can't believe you! Why? When? What the hell!" Similar to back in middle school, leaves around me started to be caught in a small shadow tornado. I looked back at Touya, even though the other villain called him Dabi, there's no way he's a villain now. I can't accept it. Why can't I just come to terms with reality?

"Keiko, come with me and I can explain."

"No! You'll have to track me down and kill me before I go with you!" I shadow traveled into the ground, going about thirty feet behind them. If they're going to chase me, I can at least lead them back to camp. I'm sure Mr. Aizawa, Vlad King, and the Pussycats can handle them no problem.

I let them catch up a bit then went further. I popped out of the ground to say something, but I lost all words when I saw a trail of ice behind me, right where I had traveled through shadows. "What the hell. What's going on."

Touya was about ten feet in front of me now, "Listen Keiko, please. I can explain everything if you just come with me."

I looked down at my hands, which now had small ice crystals forming on my fingertips. Do I have a second quirk I don't know about? Or does the other guy have an ice quirk? Shaking, I held my hand towards Touya, clinging onto the tree. He reached his hand towards me, he thinks I'm going to join them. If I do have another quirk, then... Ice shot out from my hand, stopping just short of the two villains. I lowered my hand and looked at what I had done. How was this even possible?

"Get your ass up Twice! We have to chase after her!"

I can't stick around longer, I need to get them to camp. I kept going, and they kept following.

I heard yelling from above, and by the time I stopped, some of my classmates and a villain fell from the sky between Touya and I.

"Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back to us!" Izuku's foot was pressed against the villain's chest, pushing him further into the ground.

"Out of the way, Compress." Touya held up his arm, flames igniting.

"You got it." He disappeared from under Izuku's foot, and flames started to shoot towards him and everyone else.

"Touya stop!" I cried out, I can't lose more people, why is he doing this? I shot out ice and shadows at the same time, stopping my classmates from being burnt. I traveled beside them in tears.

"Keiko! What happened? Do you know that guy?" Izuku tried to gesture with his hands but winced in pain, remembering both arms are broken.

"Where did that ice come from? I didn't make it."

My legs gave out and I collapsed to the ground, "I- My brother, he's with the villains. I don't- the ice. I made the ice. I don't know how. My brother he-" My heads racing, I can't think right. "Where's Katsuki and Tokoyami- what happ-"

"I know you're in a panic right now but we need to fend these guys off!" Shoji shouted as Twice lept over the wall I created. Shoto created more ice to block him, causing him to fall backwards.

The blonde girl from earlier reappeared, she tackled Izuku to the ground and lifted a knife, "Sorry, but I can't help but think about how cute your blood is!" Before she could do any damage Shoji threw her off of him and the others kept fending the rest off.

Why can't I do anything? I can't move, I'm shaking too much. I can't even focus on one thing right now, too much is happening. My hands moved on their own, clenching my head, trying to block everything out. I started sobbing, I can't wrap my head around this. This can't be happening. I'll wake up and it'll all be a bad dream. My brother is just busy with his career. He's not a villain. I don't have ice powers. My hands aren't freezing. Nobody's being kidnapped.

"I'll grab Todomura! We have Tokoyami and Bakugou, we need to leave!"

"Wait what-" Before I could ask what happened Shoji scooped me up onto his back.

"You shouldn't walk now, you've gone into shock. We just need to get out of here."

"A Nomu!" I looked to my right a saw the Nomu Izuku shouted about, is that the one Touya mentioned?

"Quick, this way!" Shoto led us to the left, trying to cut through the forest, but we were stopping in our tracks when the portal man blocked the path.

"It's been five minutes since the signal. Let's go Dabi." He created more portals near all the villains, allowing them an exit.

The blonde girl waved, "Sorry Keiko and Izuku, but I've got to go! I hope I can see you later!" She walked through the portal, and Twice dived through his.

Dabi looked me in the eyes, "We can't leave without the kids."

"Don't worry, I've got some leverage." Compress responded, "They were so proud of themselves for rooting through my pockets that I thought I'd let them gloat." We all gasped, no doubt sharing the same thought, they still had our friends. "Allow me to explain a basic tenant of magic. If I'm flaunting something shiny, " He removed his mask, "it's because there's something else I don't want to to see." He stuck out his tongue to reveal two blue marbles.

"He still has them!" Izuku shouted. The marbles Shoji was carrying turned into ice.

We all ran forward. Well, I stayed on Shoji's back, and Compress started to walk into the portal. "Just a little misdirection, one last bow, and the curtain fa-" A bright blue beam shot from the bushes and hit him in the face, causing the marbles to fly out of his mouth.

Shoji grabbed one and as Shoto reached for the other Touya snatched it out of the air. "That's quite the tragedy. Poor Shoto Todoroki." Was Shoto a target too? How did he know his name? "Confirm it now, release them." Katsuki appeared as himself, his neck in Touya's hand, and Tokoyami fell into Shoji's arms, setting me down in the process. "Make up your mind now Keiko, come with me and I'll explain everything."

"Keiko don't do it!" Katsuki shouted at me, "Don't let them take you too!"

Izuku ran up to try and attack, but Touya set the ground between them ablaze. I looked at all the chaos, I couldn't just leave Katsuki alone. And as much as I hated to admit it, I wanted answers.

"I'm sorry. I have to go with them." I quietly whispered, and started walking towards them.

"Keiko! Don't!" Izuku and Shoto shouted, but at this point, I couldn't be convinced to stop.

"Are you insane shady?!? What are you doing?!?"

I stopped in front of Touya and Katsuki, looking between the two. Katsuki looked at me with pleading eyes, "Please, don't."

I walked towards the portal, whispering as I passed him.  "I'm sorry Katsuki, but I don't have a choice. I can't lose anyone else. Especially not when I can do something about it."

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