Chapter Fifty-five

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Over the week we've trained, hung out together in the dorms, studied, had tea while doing homework, tried to figure out my ice quirk, and Hanta helped me come out to my dad. But now it's time to get ready to meet the siblings and mom I didn't know I had until a week and a half ago. Shoto told me to dress casually since we're not going to a fancy restaurant or anything, but not to dress like I just woke up. Okay he didn't exactly say that, but it was implied.

I shuffled through my clothes a bit before deciding, "I guess black jeans, a tank top, and a flannel will work." I threw on my clothes and make sure my blue flannel wasn't wrinkled before putting it on without buttoning it. Before leaving my room I grabbed my phone and necklace with my moms ring, which is nice and shiny thanks to Izuku. I used the rest of the time before we left to finish getting already, like brushing my teeth, brushing my hair, and putting on deodorant, and then just hung out and checked homework answers with my classmates.

"Keiko, it's 11:23, we should head out."

I looked up from the game of Uno I was playing with Mina, Katsuki, Kiri, and Kyouka, then looked at my phone, "I guess it is, sorry guys but I gotta go." I placed my hand in the discard pile and got up from the floor.

"Aww man, and it was just getting good." Mina whined.

Katsuki played a card, "Oi, don't cry about them leaving, you still have to beat me."

"Yeah! It's not like the game ends because he's leaving!" Sometimes I forget all my classmates and friends know I use any pronouns now.

"Kiri's right, I'll see you guys later!" They all waved at me and said goodbye, and I left with Shoto.

"You really like turtlenecks."

"They're comfortable. Besides, the hospital gets cold."

I shrugged, "That's fine by me, I like the cold." I looked towards the sky, "Speaking of which, it's a little warm out today, how are you not boiling." I pushed my flannel off my shoulders.

"I just use my right side to regulate my body temperature. I can pretty much wear whatever I want without the weather affecting me."

I grinned, that could be useful, "You'll have to teach me to do that one of these days."

"Keiko, you haven't even been able to figure out how to stop your ice from sticking to your fingers when you use it."

"Well maybe- maybe I... yeah I got nothing."

It was 12:27 by the time we got there. Shoto said he told Fuyumi and Natsu to be there at 12:30, and they would order to go and eat at a park under a pavilion just a few blocks down. We waited for about ten minutes before they arrived.

"Shoto! I'm so sorry we're late but someone decided to wake up a little late." Fuyumi walked up and ruffled his hair a bit.

Natsu wasn't far behind, "Yeah, sorry about that."

I stood somewhat behind Shoto, only because that's where I happen to be when they arrived.

Fuyumi glanced at me over Shoto's shoulder, "Is that who you asked to bring along?"

"Yes, " He stepped aside so he wasn't in the way, "This is Keiko."

"Hi, as Shoto said, I'm Keiko Todomura."

Natsu narrowed his eyes at me, then widened them again, "You're the girl with the shadows, right?" He said, "And your shadows combined with Shoto's ice at the sports festival, right?"

I would've thought Shoto would've told them something about me, like that I don't like being called a girl. Guess I gotta correct him. "Uh, yea-"

"Natsu, Keiko does like being called a girl. Please say 'person' or 'kid' or something else." Damn, he beat me to it. Pretty much anything gendered or gender-neutral is fine with me, but certain things like boy or girl I don't like. Speaking of that, Katsuki and I ended up doing a bit of research for gender-neutral versions of boyfriend and girlfriend and I decided I want to be called his nullfriend.

"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize." Natsu sheepishly apologized.

Fuyumi went to shake my hand, "I'll keep that in mind! Since we're on that topic, what are your pronouns?"

"Oh-" I didn't expect to get asked this but okay, "Any pronouns are fine."

"You got it!" She smiled. They both seem friendly so far, at least I'll have a supportive family.

We then ordered our food and walked to the pavilion, I sat next to Shoto while Fuyumi and Natsu sat across from us. A few minutes went by where we just ate and made small talk.

"Hey Shoto, there's a specific reason you wanted to have lunch with us and bring Keiko, right?"

He nodded, "Yes, it involves the recent villain attack on us." Fuyumi glanced at both of us with a slightly worried look.

"That was pretty damn bad from what I heard, " Natsu barely looked up from his food, "I didn't fully catch the aftermath of All Might's battle, but that seemed awful too." He seems to not like talking to people.

"Yeah... it was pretty bad..."

Shoto looked at me, "You should probably explain now."

"Right, sorry." I put down my water bottle and quickly ran over what I practiced saying last night. "So I'm sure you know, but two of us were kidnapped that night, I was one of them." Worried expressions stayed on Fuyumi and Natsu's faces. "That night I discovered that my mom was part of the LOV... and was also murdered by them." I gently held my moms ring in my hand.

They both widened their eyes in shock, exchanging looks with Shoto as if to ask if me sharing this was okay.

"I'm so sorry sweetie," Fuyumi said, "you don't need to talk about that if you don't want to."

"No, actually I do." I tried not to sound harsh while saying that, but it may have come off that way. "Its somewhat important to what I need to say." I continued. "You see, my mom could manipulate the shape and structure of almost anything she touched, which happened to include DNA. She had a mission to use her DNA, my dad's, and another person's DNA to create a child with a powerful quirk, and then raise that child and eventually bring them into the LOV."

"And you're that child..." Natsu seemingly spoke to himself. "But if that's the case, what do we have to do with it?"

Fuyumi elbowed him, "Don't be rude."

I laughed, "It's alright. I understand where he's coming from. But the reason it involves you two, and Shoto, is because the other person that was used for DNA, was Rei Todoroki."

Fuyumi's eyes widened, and her hand slowly went up to her mouth. On the other hand, Natsu nearly choked on his food from surprise.

"I see..." Fuyumi said. "So, that would make you our sibling I suppose..."

Natsu hesitantly spoke, "Now, I'm not calling you a liar, but how do we know any of this is true?"

"We had our blood tested when they needed to get their ankle stitched up." Shoto calmly said. "But that's not everything, Keiko?"

"Yeah, he's right. That's not everything. The person that told me, " I took a quick breath, "Was Touya... Touya Todoroki."

Their reactions were even more shocked than before. Fuyumi was already tearing up, but Natsu seemed to be holding it back.

Natsu stood up, slamming his hands on the table, "You're lying! You have to be!" I jumped back a little. "He died years ago!" His arms shook and his teeth were clenched.

"Natsu, please-"

"No! He- he died... dad- Endeavor killed him...." he slowly sat back down. "Right? He's dead... he's been dead..." His voice cracked. He held his head in his hands, tightly grabbing his hair.

"Natsu, " Fuyumi patted his shoulder, tears rolling down her cheeks, "We already know that Keiko isn't lying about anything else." She wiped tears from her eyes, scrunching her face, "Why would she lie about anything else."

Shoto had stayed quiet, but finally spoke up, "I didn't realize it until after the fact since I hadn't seen him in so long... but it was him. The villain who was with the LOV has the same fire quirk Touya did."

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