Idol!Xiao and Idol!Y/n

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I feel so disappointed in myself rn, you could have just pointed out that my scenarios seem like there is no effort in it,, I would have wrote the scenarios better and longer.


- This is what I named Idol!Xiao ; Y4ksh4. Deal with it.

- Xiao didn't do collabs often, actually, I dont think he does collabs. It's not like he thinks it's poitnless, no, but it's hard to find someone that will not fan over him during those, considering he is a singer known wolrd-wide and everyone seems to like him a lot. But then you came around, your oh so sweet and kind smile asking him if he had time. Of course he had, all the time in the world for you, actually, but he wont tell you this (yet) you practically just met! 
But the collab was agreed to, he pretended to ponder for a moment before before responding, not making it seems like his heart was about to burst from happiness. He knew it would cause quite a stir, though. I mean, he turned down every other collab so why did he accept this one? He will have a lot of explaining to do, or not, he doesn't owe anyone an explenation. 
Actually, ever since you showed up on the media platform, you caught his eye, you didn't seem to be faking your kidness towards your fans, nor were your other emtions fake. He liked it, it was hard to find someone honest about their emotions nowdays.

- The said collab with Xiao went pretty smoothly, you both agreed to mix your guys music taste into one song and see what pops up, and if you like it, you keep it, if you dont, you dont! Put the song that was created by the both of you was simply amazing. Now to just come up with the lyrics and share them between you, it came down to the beat of the song, the one that had a higher voice will sing at the high notes of the song, and the one with the deeper one will go for the low notes. That logic seemed to work out pretty well, actually! Of course, this collab with Y4ksh4 not only allowed you to make a song with him, it also allowed you to get to know him better and bond a little! Xiao thought that this was top prority, the song was just a highlight, but beng able to get to know you better and to bond? He was on cloud nine (9). The only thing he was pondering about is that if he landed in your interest, I mean, you did most of the talking while he just sat and listened to what you have to say, or you both just sat in confortable silence while re-phrasing the lyrics. There was so much he wanted to say, but oh-so little words he could put those thoughts in. But as the days passed and you worked on the song, he opened up more and more to you, and so did you. There was more chit-chat between to you, more giggles and laughs from you and more little smiles from him. So he'd consider you friends, even though he would like to consider it much more. But he had to wait, just a little longer. He can't scare you off now, he would lose his only chance. The total time of the collab lasted 1 month, long, yes, but it needed tat much time, considering a lot was changed in the song and you needed to learn the new version of it.

- As for the song and collab itself, he swore he never saw the crowd go that crazy since his song where his six-pack showed. Netherless to say ; the crowd was going insane, but he didnt pay attetion to them, no, he only looked at you- the way your eyes sparkled as you waved at the crowd with that lovely smile of yours, even winking from time-to-time. At this point, I'm pretty sure at least 10 people caught how his eyes never seemed to leave you, and how they were filled with so much adoration. And the fact that you were standing so close to him didn't help at all, the way your hair moved with every move of your hair, the way your smile reached your lips, the way your eyes shined- he could all see it up close. If he didnt snap back to reality, he would be in trouble though, so he just tore his eyes away from you and swept his gaze around the crowd. Gave them a little "hi" gesture with his hand and grabbed the mic, annoucing that the collab song was about to start, hearing that you went to your position, still wearing that smile of yours, and gave him an even bigger smile when he locked eyes with you. God, if he wasnt flustered before, he sure is now! Closing his eyes and pulling the mic away for a moment so he can clean his throat, he threw you one more look before the song started. He knew he had to stay composed during the song, so he didnt let himself look your direction too much. But hearing your lovely voice made it a painful reminder that the only other times he would hear it would only be by replaying the song. He didn't want to think about it now, though. Rest of the song went by smoothly. And even at the end, the crowd didnt seem to calm down, in fact, it looked like it was only more energised and excited then before, could it be those lovesick glances you both send each other's way when you think the other isn't looking? But everything that's good need to come to an end, so there you were, at the back stage chatting about how it went and the emotions you felt through it, as the clock struck 9, you went out the door and bid your farawells to him with a hug to acompany it, he didnt want to let go, no, but he had to... that was the last time he hear your voice in person...... right?

- But little did he know, that that was in fact, not the last time he will hear your voice... because in the end, you are here, with him, both of your kids sleeping soundlessly on your lap. He chukled at the memory and kissed your forhead, you also, were sleeping, but on his shoulder and he couldn't be more glad to have taken that collab.

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