Random scenarios

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Legs reveal 😳

- Is an overworked baby
- I got a feeling that she loves back hugs
- Very shy
- Please praise her
- Butterfly kisses

- Likes to have you around him, a little too much
- One time he acctualy blew the wind so you fell into his arms
- Invites you to drink with him at least 4 times a day
- Peppers your face with kisses very often

La Signora
- Likes to spoil you with affection
- If anybody mess with you, they mess with her
- Pretty sweet to you and only you
- Buys you a lot of gifts too
- Does your hair if you ask her to

- Asks you to make bombs with her
- Wants you to be her big sister so you have to marry Albedo
- Like I said above : Sees you as a big sister figure
- Shes a psyhopath but shes cute

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