Another inncorect quotes ig

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Kaeya : Diluc! Are you trying to make me look dumb?!

Diluc : I'm not trying, its just happening


Bennett : Wanna see how badass I am?

Bennett : *Punches wall*

Bennett : ... Could someone take me to Barbra?


Xiao : Oh hey Y/n, what's up?

Y/n : I'm sitting in a pool of blood

Xiao, CEO of overprotecitve : Is it your blood?!

Y/n : Yea, I think so..

Xiao, voice filled with panick/worry : WHERE IS IT COMING FROM?!

Y/n : Probably the stab wound


Y/n : Oh, yeah, definitely. 


Kaeya : Chillax!

Diluc : that isnt a word.

Kaeya : Sometimes the ones who deny chillax need to chillax the most


Y/n : If your happy and you know it clap your hands! :D

Qiqi, Klee, Diona and Sayu : *claps*

Qiqi : Y/n didnt clap..

Y/n : Yeah, I know


Scenario : Chongyun and Xinqiu were fighting for Y/n's attetion

Y/n, talking to Chongyun and Xinqiu : alright, on the count of three, you guys would apologize to each other!

Y/n : one

Y/n : two

Y/n : three!

Chongyun : ...

Xinqiu : ...

Y/n : See, now I'm just dissapoined in both of you.


Scaramouche : alright, listen up you little shits!

Scaramouche : Not you Y/n, you are an angel and we are very glad your here.


Klee : Is there a word between sad and mad?

Albedo : Malconted, disgruntled, miserable, desolated.

Diona : Smad

Y/n : .....There are two types of people.


Y/n : I mean, I could just keep screaming into to the void, but I'm pretty sure it would telll me to shut the fuck up at this point.


Diona : I know we don't always see eye to eye things-

Diluc, cutting her off : That's because your too short.


Xinqiu, to Y/n while carresing Y/n's cheek : You know, the spirits of this world can be really agressive, so I want you to be close to me so I can keep you safe

Chongyun in the background, running around exorcising the demons : GET FUCKED!


Scaramouche, to anyone probably : Hey there buddy chum pal friend buddy pal chum bud friend fella bruther amigo pal buddy friend chummy chum chum pal  i don't mean to be rude my friend pal home slice bread slice dawg but i gotta warn ya if you take one more diddly darn step towards Y/n right there im going to have diddly darn delete ya and wowza wouldn't that be that be a crummy juncture huh? do you want that? do you wish upon yourself to come into digital expriance with deletion? because friend buddy chum friend chum pally pal chum friend if you keep this up well gosh diddly darn i just might have to get no so friendly with you my friendly friend friend pal friend buddy chum pally pal!


Y/n : Somtimes, I SERIOUSLY want to feel my pockets with glitter and whenever someone says something really stupid, I'll just reach into my pocket with a dead expression and just throw glitter up into the sky above them and watch it shower over them like a baptism of stupid.


Hu Tao : People say you can't do things you love without collage, I dont need a degree to be Y/n's coat hanger!


Scaramouche : I saw you hanging out with Y/n.

Treasure hoarder : SIR! It's not what you think!

Scaramouche : I won't hesitate, bitch.


Y/n : Being cute is hard, even when your mad, people say your cute and things like that, and no- reCOGNISE MY POWER 

Prolly everyone who simps for Y/n, so like the whole game characters : Cute.


Y/n : The food is too hot, I can't eat it

Kaeya : Your hot and I think I would still-

Jean, mad at Kaeya for making a move before her : ONE lunch! I just ask for ONE lunch!


Y/n : I can't belive we are stuck in this room together.. *thinking that she/he/them willl be too annoying*

Xiao, turning the key into ashes : truly unfortunate.


Alright, thats all for inncorrect quotes for today, see you in the next chapter

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