Random scenarios

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The next chapter number is chapter 69


- Cooks you food everyday
- If you dont like talking, she can talk allll day for you
- Will teach you how to cook if you dont know how to
- Cheek kisses
- Hand holding too

- No doubt will fight anyone who talks bad about you
- Hugs you from behind when he's pouty about something
- He always make sure your not injured after a comission
- Would die for you
- Protects you from most of the danger <3

- Ready to throw hands when somebody flirts with you
- Protects you at all cost
- Admires you a lot- like A LOT-
- Also likes when you sit on his lap so he can admire you from up close
- Plays with your hair
- Draws you
- Compliments 24/7

☆ Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios ☆ - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now