Itto and Venti headcannons

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Itto .///.

Knows how to make you laugh, just knows how to- and it doesnt matter what kind of laugh you have, he always says he loves it and it always makes him smile

Can and will steal kisses at the most random times- for an example you can be reading a book or something like that and BOOM! A kiss from your lover

Stares at you very often and when you ask whats wrong he just blankly anwensers that he thinks you are really pretty-

Always intruduces you to everyone as his lover <3

Plays you songs on his lyre (ofc)

If it helps you, he will sing you to sleep or perhaps tell you a story

Always tries to make you drink some wine with him- its up to you if you fall for it or not, and just saying, Im not responsible for a drunk couple!

Takes a lot of "pictures" of you in his mind

If you arent around, he probably daydreams about you <3

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