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I have strange feeling today- like someone is watching me, so have this, not sleeping tonight because of that feeling I thing my stomach is turning every way possible, peace.


You were hanging out with with your friends, Venti as usual was goofing around. You giggled to yourself when he came up to you and hug you thightly, making a few people jealous. Just as he let you go the floor under you colapsed.

You were falling, hearing your friends scream after you, then it went blank.


You were already panicking, how? why? when? 

All you could see is darkness, and by that I mean, you didnt even see the outline of your hands. No matter how close they were to your eyes.

As you blinked you found yourself in a very bright room, covering your eyes you try to adjust to the birghtness.

A few blinks later you are comfortable engouh to uncover your eyes, looking around you, you only saw blank yellow walls and a teal carpeted floor. The roof had light every 2 squares. 

What was weird is that some of the titles on the roof were tilted a little, reavling a black spot above them. You guessed it was normal, why would you need light above the light?

Getting up from the carpeted floor you noticed how the walls around you made a maze-like structure. Decidind it'll be best to move you took a few steps foward.

Your steps echoed in the "empty" halls.. It was kinda creepy, being all alone is creepy.. and scary.

"Hello?!" You yelled out, maybe someone was here?


No anwenser. Honestly what were you expecting. Puffing out your cheeks you walked around. The halls looked the same, blank yellow walls and a teal colored carpeted floor. But you did noticed how the light gets weaker and weaker, the farther you got the weaker the lights were.

A cold breeze passed you... wait, a cold breeze? There are no windows here.. and there is no ventilation nor AC.. so where did it came from??

Hugging yourself you looked around to find nothing, biting  your lip you squinted your eyes and kept moving foward. 


You were walking down one of the halls, looking to your left you noticed a little gap between the walls. Walking up to it, you peeked through it. It was an another hallway, but it seemed a little more.. abandoned.

Leaning back you saw movement out of the corner of your eye. Looking in that direction you found nothing but a blank wall. Maybe you were begining to see things? 

Your body started to get cold as you walked further in the what seemed like an never-ending maze. The movements keep repeating, but you kept telling yourself that it was just "your mind playing tricks on you"

It wasnt playing tricks on you. It was giving you signs to run. To get away from here.

Yet you brushed it off. Ah... you were always so naive (shout out to trust issues).

You found yourself in another hallway, but something seemed diferent about it, and you soon saw why, arrows where drawn on the wall with a dark colour, pointing to the left.

You decided to follow the direction the arrow was pointing to, you dont have anything else to do, do you?

To the left was yet another arrow, this one pointing foward to another wall who had sentences written all over it.

Getting closer to read it.. 

"Dont move" Why would it want you to not mov-


The sound snapped you back to reality, turning around to the noise you saw a chair..

A chair?

You dont recall seeing a chair in this... maze.

The said object was on the floor, it was thrown for sure, but.. who?

There wasnt a single soul in here expect you..

The anweser came rather quickly to you as thin, long fingers peeked from the corner.

They were black, and you were prettu sure you could see-


That sentence keep reapiting in your head.

Run. Run. Run. Run.

You had no idea where was that voice coming from. Was it you yourself? Somebody else?


Ah, someone is mad. Someone is coming.

☆ Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios ☆ - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now