Two sentence horror story

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"Who need hiding places when you have speed?... demonic speed"
             - Markiplier, 17th of december, 2021, right before he got detected

I am very sorry that there has been a lot of scary stuff

- "The grinning face stared at me from the darkness beyond my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor. "

- " I found a picture of me sleeping on my phone. I live alone "


- " I can't move, breathe, speak or hear and it's so dark all the time. If I knew it would be this lonely, I would have been cremated instead. " 

- " I woke up to hear knocking on glass. At first, I though it was the window until I heard it come from the mirror again. "

- " They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing. He had no way of letting them know he was still conscious. "

- " Working the night shift alone tonight. There is a face in the cellar staring at the security camera. "

- He wondered why he was casting two shadows. Afterall, there was only a single lightbulb.

- " They delivered the mannequins in bubble wrap. From the main room I begin to hear  popping. " 

- " You get home, tired after a long day's work and ready for a relaxing night alone. You reach for the light switch, but another hand is already there. "

- " The funeral attendees never came out of the catacombs. Something locked the crypt door from the inside. "

- The funeral attendees never came out of the catacombs. Something locked the crypt door from the inside.

- " I never go to sleep. But I keep waking up. "

- " We found your missing friends" The officer said as he laid a map before me with 10 x's..

I dont know of which fact I should be more afraid of, the fact that my friends were somewhere in those woods, or the fact that only 3 of my friends were missing.

Being the first to respond to a fatal car accident is always the most traumatic thing I see as a police officer. But today, when the crushed body of the little dead child boy strapped in his car seat opened his eyes and giggled at me when I tried to peel him out of the wreckage, I immediately knew that today would be my last day on the force.

-  " If you get scared at night, don't keep your eyes closed for too long. There's a reason you're scared, and now you can't see it approach. "

I looked out my window. The stars had gone away.


She went upstairs to check on her sleeping toddler. The window was open and the bed was empty.

You hear the scream across the hallway, but your eyes won't open and you can't move

- "  Nurse's Note : Born 7 pounds 10 ounces, 18 inches long, 32 fully formed teeth. Silent, always smiling. "

- I just saw my reflection blink.

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