Aether warming you up w/ kisses in Dragonspine <33

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I actually cried because I forgot so many words?
Also, Alien Blues rock.

Yeah, you were in Dragonspine. Did you regret it? Yes.
I mean, it was nice, afterall you were with Aether but it was FREEZING! Even Kaeya would get frostbite! 

Walking on the snow-covered path you rubbed your arms with your hands to generate some warmth, your shoulder scrunched together to atleast keep some of the heat your body generated.

Aether didnt seemed bothered by the cold one bit, actually he was unaffected. You were impressed, since he showed so much skin on his upper part of the body. Did he drank or ate something to keep the heat from going away?

As you were thinking about it, you missed how Aether glanced your way in pure concern because of your teeth chattering. You werent looking at him, which was a good thing now as you would have been caught.

He stopped out of the blue, making you snap out of your thoughts and stop too, the coldness of the air around making your body feel numb.

"Is something wrong, Aether?"

You asked, even though you felt like your legs would give out any minute, you couldnt feel them, yes, but the way they shook didnt mean any good. But that wasnt in your concern right now. 

Aether didnt say a thing, all he did was walk closer to you- gently taking your hands into his gloved ones. Ironcialy enough, you could feel their warmth through the gloves. When he felt how colds your hands were- he frowned.

You could have told him your cold! He would have found a solution no problem! But his frown disappeared almost as fast as it showed up, instead it was replaced with a small smile.

Placing one of his hands on your waist to pull you closer- while the other found its way onto your cheek. His eyes now staring into yours. The moment was intense but was quicky broken as he started placing little kisses all over your cold face.

Your giggles mixed with his started filling the slience between you, as your cheeks and whole body started warming up from the blush on your cheeks and his warmth. Butterflies started feeling your stomach as he pulled you closer into him.

The atmosphere was now light and wholesome- still being filled with the sound of lil smooches and giggles. 

Oh how cute you look to him. Especially when you smile, he calls you his sunshine for a reason <33

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