Kissing his bruisies (Albedo, Kaeya, Diluc, Scaramocuhe, Childe, Xiao)

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*eats strawberries with sugar while writing a scenario*
Strawberries with sugar are my fav food/snack no doubt.

Also I've learned how to make longer scenarios :D
But it will be only a few characters since it would have taken forever! Sorryyyyyy!!! :((((
My imagination and thoughts shine thru!
Enjoy~! <33

- How did he get a bruise in the first place?
- Well whatever, lets just say it happened in his lab
- He was walking around the lab, grabing the things he needs for his next experiment
- That was untill he hitted his wrist on the corner on one of the tables in his lab
- He didnt pay much mind to it, things like these happen
- But you did pay much mind into it
- Like the love of your life got hurt and he doesnt want to take care of it?
- You will not tolerate that ignorance!
- Walking up to him, you set the things he was holding onto the closest table
- He quirks an eyebrow at your behaviour yet he still finds himself finding it cute
- He finds every inch of your being cute
- You could be a goddamn God of destruction, pain, agony- and he will still find you cute
- Gently grabbing his hand you brought it up to your lips
- At this point he was starting to understand what you were doing
- You kissed his bruise softly, making butterflies erupt in his stomach and a little smile adore his lips
- In exchange, he interwined your fingers and pulled you closer with his other hand
- Your faces were mere inches away, his light blue eyes staring into yours with nothing but pure love
- He inched his face closer, slowly closing the gap between you
- It was your turn to have butterflies in your stomach as your lips conected in a sweet long kiss

- Kaeya may have many bruises, afterall he is a knight
- He doesnt mind them anymore, he got used to them overtime
- Of course, he puts something cold on it to reduce blood flow around the area
- (It can also be done with heat, you can apply heat to boost circulation and increase blood flow)
- Sometimes you do it for him, sometimes he does it himself
- Depends where he is at that moment
- Whenever you do it, his heart melts
- He just thinks its cute how your face turns into that little pout when he comes back with another brusie
- You keep telling him to be careful yet its almost like he isnt listening to you at all
- He does, yes, but he cant help it, can he?
- But oh boy, he wasnt expecting this
- It was another day when he came back with a new bruise
- You were a pouty about it as usual
- Yet an idea poped into your head
- How about you kiss his bruise instead?
- Its not like its gonna be abnormal, its on his cheek anyways
- Your pout was nowhere to be seen on your face anymore, wich got Kaeya wondering what is going through that pretty head of yours
- Your face was slowly inching towards his, and man, was he confused
- He was wondering what you needed ; A kiss, perhaps?
- But soon his thoughts were swatted away as you pressed your soft lips to the bruised part of his cheek
- His eyes widening a little before going back to normal
- Instead, a sly smirk was plastered on his h̶a̶n̶d̶s̶o̶m̶e̶ face
- He chuckled a little before deciding to speak up
- "You missed, sweetheart"

- I think he rarely gets bruises despite being the darknight hero
- But still, there are times when he come backs with some 
- He didnt bother hiding them from you
- He trusted you with his whole heart, and knew you did too (shout-out to ppl with trust issues)
- Sometimes he asked you to help him treat those bruises- or any other kind of injures he had 
- Today was just like any other day, helping around in the tavern, doing some comissions with Aether and talking with Klee about her new totaly-not-for-fish-blasting-extra-explosive-formula
- So it was quite a fun day :D
- And at the moment you were relaxing in Diluc's mansion with none other then Diluc himself
- Well "relaxing" as in you treating his wounds and bruises while you talked about whatever came into your mind
- Diluc is more of a listener so he will listen to anything you have to say, but that doesnt mean he isnt telling you about how his day went or really anything that you ask of him
- Unless its about a topic he doesnt want to talk about
- Then he will simply tell you that he doesnt want to talk about it at the moment
- Or perhaps he never will want to talk about it
- But he will inform you about it 100%
- Kinda went off topic there, uh anyways
- Just as he thought you ended treating that bruise, your soft lips met contact with his hand- as that was the place the bruise was placed on
- Dliuc.exe stopped working
- He stared blankly at his hand with red cheeks and heat radiating off his cheeks
- And practically the whole room was starting to feel warmer then before
- What was that for? I mean, he enjoyed it, yes, but why so suddenly?
- He blinked rapidly for a few seconds before snapping back to reality and clearing his throat
- The blush still visble on his cheeks as he gently grasped your hand
- "I think, I shoud be the one kissing your hand, darling"


- Scaramouche is rather annoyed by bruises
- I mean, its just a purple spot on your skin that hurt when you touch it
- Isnt that annoying?
- So he avoided getting them as much as he could
- But being a harbinger and knowing that life is brutal, he got them sometimes
- He let you treat them, as he loved any kind of physical contact you gave him
- Most of the time when you did that, he will be complaining about the bruise and the people who work under him
- And oh God, if one of them made him extra mad, they are gone in a blink
- But his anger fades away when he is with you instantly.. most of the time
- Instead its replaced with his love and admiration for you
- You mean the world to him and he wants you to know it
- Its actually really easy to tell that you mean a lot to him 
- The way he looks at you, his eyes showing nothing but pure love.. and lets not forget about his actions, his love language is indeed physical touch
- But I drifted off again
- You two were sitting on the couch, you treating his bruise on his left arm as he talked about how much of annoying brat Childe is
- But that came to a halt when you pressed your lips against the texture of his skin, right on the bruise you were treating
- You stared at each other for a moment, before you found yourself under a certain purple head in mere seconds
- His hands were pinning down your wrists on the couch, your body trapped under his
- His eyes were focused on yours, not breaking eye contact for even a slight second
- Neither of you spoke a word, the only thing distracting you from the silence was his smug smile
- He had you right where he wanted
- He lowered his head, your lips brushing against each other until he finally pressed a firm, long kiss to your lips
- Only pulling away when you tried to push him off as you couldnt breathe anymore

- Oh boy, he sure has a lot of these, considering he always has and wants to fight someone
- But the thing is- he doesnt care! Most of them arent visible anyways
- But since he walks around shirtless in your guys shared house, you can see every bruise he has
- The first time you saw him shirtless your nose probably started bleeding, and I dont blame you at all
- You just came back from grocery shopping when you saw Childe on the couch waiting for your arrival
- When he saw the bags in your hands he was right next to you in seconds, already grabbing the groceries from your hands and placing them on the kitchen counter nearby
- As he finished dong that, he rushed to your figure and hugged you, picking you up in the process 
- You were gone for 30 minutes, of course he is gonna miss you!
- He feels so lonley without his precious angel
- He was hugging you for good 5 minutes before setting you back down with a gentle kiss to your forehead
- As your feet touched the ground, your eyes were met with his chest in the same moment, making you blush
- He noticed that of course, smirking to himself as he watched you avert your eyes as quickly as possible
- The only thing that made you look back was a new bruise placed near his ribs
- "Oho? Looking back that qui---"
- He was cut off by you jabbing his bruise with your finger
- His face didnt change, really, he only started to pout
- But it dissapeared as fast as it came when you gave him a light kiss on his bruise k̶i̶s̶s̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶m̶u̶s̶c̶l̶e̶s̶ ̶i̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶p̶o̶r̶c̶e̶s̶s̶
- Now there was this goofy smile on his face as he picked you up yet again, his eyes literally filled with hearts as he voiced out his pure love and affection for you
- I think he is obssesed with you
- And Im not joking here.
- New oneshot idea...?

- I have mixed feelings towards this- 
- Like on one side, I feel like he will have many bruises because of his "job" and stuff
- But on the other hand its almost impossible to land a hit on him 
- So Im not going to say where this bruise came from! Its just appeared!
- You know those bruises you only notice when you look at them? 
- Yeah, lets go with these!
- It was a pretty sunny morning, with a gentle breeze passing by every so often
- You were sitting on the balcony of Wangshu Inn, the place where Xiao usually was
- You knew he will be back any time now, for almond tofu.. and you
- And just as you thought about it, he appeared before you
- His gaze was on you for a few moments before he gave you a little smile
- He warmed up to you for the past few months, and started being quite overprotective of you
- Even too overprotective, but thats for another scenario
- You stood up, wanting to hug him, but guess what? He was faster to do it
- The moment you stood up, you were already in his arms
- His tightly wrapped around your waist and lower back, his cheek resting on the top of your head (for tall people out there ; His chin was on your shoulder/his head was resting near your neck)
- Hugs like these lasted a few moments, even more then a few moments
- Xiao was actually really touch starved and clingy at times, but not annoying clingy
- You stood there for a few good minutes, in each others arms
- As he pulled away you noticed a little bruise on his right arm
- You pouted a little, making Xiao confused
- But it quickly washed away the moment you went up to him and kissed that certain spot lightly
- He stood there, proably processing what did you just do staring right at your face in the process
- And when it finally clicked his face exploded in a little blush
- He parted his lips before closing them yet again, knowing that his words will fail him
- Instead he went up to you and kissed your forehead gently, then your nose, cheek, other cheek, and finally- lips
- It was a long (and probably breath-taking) kiss
- As he pulled away, you found yourself in his arms yet again
- Moments like these are the most precious thing to him, next to you, of course

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