When Y/n wants their attetion

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At this point I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I'm writing 3 books at the same time and have a history test on monday.



He was doing an expiriment and you were starting to get impatient
- Poked his cheek a few times
- You called out his name, draging the "o"
- Looked at you with an raised brow
- "Yes?"
- He came to realize what you wanted after you gave him puppy eyes
- " Alright, alright, you know I cant resist that face of yours"
- Cuddles for life

- T E A S E
- Ehem
- He saw the way you looked at him
- Smirk
- "Ohoho, looks like someone is need of attetion, I'll happily provide it then."
- Gives you his full attetion
- Flirts
- Still teases you after

- Feels your stare
- Makes eye contact with you
- You guys just keep the eye contact for a minute before you look away with huffed cheeks
- Thinks its adorable af
- Chuckles to himself and has a little smile on his (handsome) face
- Walks over to you
- Lifts your chin and gives you a peck
- "Just wait one more minute sweetheart "

- He was ordering some fatui around
- When he met your gaze he went from serious and scary to soft and lovley in an instant
- Like sir I dont keep up with his mood swings
- Walks up to you with his (breathtaking) smile
- " What's the matter, my little dove? "
- Thinks your completley adorable
- Gives you a lot of his affection and attetion

- Notices it right away
- Smiles
- " Is someone craving my attetion, hmm? "
- The way your cheeks became red made him feel all fluffy inside
- Picks you up in a bear hug and twirls you around, having you close to his body
- Puts you down and kisses your forhead
- " Worry not princess/prince/my royality, I will give you all of my attetion soon "

- You have his attetion 24/7 though
- Okay okay, lets think "what if"
- The way you looked at him, he already knew what you wanted
- Didnt hesitate on giving you his full attention
- Has a little smile on his face
- Imterwines your fingers
- Listens to you talking (if you decide to do so)
- After some time he picks you up bridal style and takes you to watch the sunset/sunrise

- He was 'exorcising' evil spirits
- Or more like waiting for them to show up
- You sat beside him and started a conversation
- Get his attetion is really easy
- Listens to you
- Talks too of course
- Holding hands
- Kisses your cheek

- He got way to sucked up in his book
- You were calling out his name but he didnt hear you
- So, you walked away. You had comsions to do anyways
- Didnt noticed you left 😔
- After like 8 seconds he looks up to tell you about the book only to find you nowhere in sight
- Gets very worried
- Closes his book and starts searching for you
- Finds you fighting some slimes
- Reliefed but still worried

- Also had his attetion on you 24/7
- (yes at this point I'm lazy)
- But gets the hint that you need attetion very quickly
- Gives you as much as you want
- Happily cuddles you until you guys need to travel again
- Holds hand with you 24/7 too
- Kisses

- Bby boy would do anything for you
- Follows you around like a lost puppy
- "Y/n sad, Razor want know why Y/n sad"
- After you exolained it to him, he gets clingy
- Not annoying clingy, cute clingy
- Now you have his attetion for sure

- Notices that you steal glances at him more then ussual
- Asks whars wrong
- If you gave him a direct anwenser he'll smile softly
- Gladly gives you his full attetion
- cough cough french kiss cough cough
- Holds your hand till the rest of the day
- Also cuddles

- Notices it so fast
- Too fast
- Its kinda creepy how fast he noticed it
- Says he need a minute
- After that he gives you all the attetion you need
- Be it kisses, hugs, cuddles
- Is so soft with you <3

- so um, I was thinking of deleting him out of the book and replace him with a female chracters bc : women 😳
- Tell me a character you guys want that is a woman

- Picks up on it quite quickly
- More then happy to give you his attetion
- Points out the most random thing as a conversation starter
- Holds your hand a but tighter considering hr already holds it every chance he gets
- Is even more energetic and happy around you
- Cuddles cuddles cuddles
- Cheek kisses

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