The pool.

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Just because I haven't wrote a scary/weird one in a long moment ^w^
And the playlist made me feel motived and in the mood to write this,,, thing >o<

Also, to everyone who's studying with music:
 • A bottle of water, at least 1liter. Your brain works better if it has enough water and drinking helps you to concentrate

 • Your charger. You sometimes don't even notice that your device's battery is going down, so better have it plugged in all the time

 • Your headphones. You will be able to focus more with headphones, because it blocks background noises. Also, if it's a late night study session, you won't wake up anyone

 • a tea or coffee. Coffee keeps you awake, green or black tea can make you feel more awake as well.☕

 • Your study/work stuff: your laptop/tablet/phone , a few pens, paper or whatever you need.

 •Anything else you could need, what about a heat pad, a blanket, a good lamp, your pet so you have a study buddy... meow!

 Reminder: After an hour, you should stand up and walk a bit around. Better stop the music or put on different music for the break. Open your window, even if it's cold outside. Fresh air will make it better, trust me. You could also lay your head down on your desk for ten minutes and listen to a podcast. Or, if you have to read a book, listen to the audiobook of it. You can also listen to the audiobook while doing another thing, that's even better than listening to music while reading the book.I hope y'all had a good day, if not, that's okay too. Remember to take care of yourself and try to get some sleep tonight!! <33

Aight thats all from Turtle the Concerned Mother! Onto the oneshot!!

         To those who dont know what Liminal Space is, its a location which is a transition between two other locations, or states of being. Typically these are abandoned, and oftentimes empty - a mall at 4am or a school hallway during summer, for example. This makes it feel frozen and slightly unsettling, but also familiar to our minds.

Discord invite is in my profile annoucements!
Inspired by a game I played called : Anemoiapolis
Without further-a-do lets get straight into it!
and you can see my sanity slipping in this.

You weren't supposed to be here. Neither do you wanted to be here. Your mind was still in a haze from the events that happened mere seconds ago. You fell through what seemed like a hole in the ground, it appeared right under your feet, from nowhere. You were just going back to your house after doing a midnight snack run, and now you were soaking wet as you landed in a pool.

The water in the pool was warm, but when you looked down you saw nothing but darkness, like an never ending hole. There were edges of the pool, yes, there even was a life guard stand, yet no life guard on its place. Quite ironic, no?

Swiming to the edge of the pool, you got out of it. Standing right back on your feet, going to the nearest door you saw. As you walked towards the door, the only thing you could hear was the water slight movement and your steps. Wet steps. The room itself wasnt really bright, but from your position you couldnt see the other side of the pool, leaving that half to be completley black. 

It sent shivers down your spine, so you focused on the door that was now in-front of you, trying it's knob. Locked. Of course it would be locked. What were you thinking? Some special and quick way out of here? You must have hit your head. (Your actually amazing, beautiful, smart and stunning. Just know that your special to me and I'm very pround of you <3)

Giving a quick sigh you looked around the dark room- or should I say place. The pool took most of the space, only the life guard's chair towering over it. Behind the chair was some kind of a window, but without the actual glass, it was some sort of flat balcony. So you decided to climb the chair and see if you can reach the place.


Maybe it wasnt such a good idea. The chair was high up in the sky and it made you feel dizzy. Simply knowing that if you slip you will be one with that floor below. So you just decided to do what you came here for. Reaching for the edge of this so called "balcony", which in reality was a simple hole in the wall, you grabbed the edge of the wall. Placing your leg on the one of the bariers of the life guard's chair you pushed yourself up, hopping in the hole just to find yourself in another set of pools.

Unlike the other room, this one was well-lit, the light reflecting on the white walls which seemed to make it even more bright. There were multiple of pools here, along with a few sun loungers placed in a straight line. The pools were quite deep, probably will reach your neck if you went in them. Yet what stood out was the door on one of the white walls. It had a black doorframe and the door itself was made of glass with a few black stripes going along it. 

Walking towards it, you looked around your surroundings a little more, you noticed a beach ball in one of the pools. Only noticing it had your favourite colours and not giving it further attetion as you reached the door, this time it wasnt locked. But it lead you to another set of pools, this one much bigger then the other 2 rooms. It was huge- the light couldnt even light up the whole place, leaving the further area of you completley black. 

There was a giant structure right next to you, a pool under it with a deep bottom, as it wasnt visible. But the stairs it owned were going up, so you took them only now noticing the huge water slide it was attached to. 

Finally reaching the top, you saw a maze of poles, it was meant for a lot of people getting in line for the slide. Guess that idea didnt really work, huh? Jumping over some of the poles to cut the distance and to not walk so much you found yourself in front of the slide. Taking a deep breath you got onto the start of it and slid down. It was quite fun.. other then the fact you were alone, and not even knowing where

You made it to the bottom of the slide, going under water with the speed you gained at the water slide, you still didnt touch the bottom of the pool, though. Quickly swiming up to the surface, you looked around the current place you found yourself in. The sign in front of you spelled in big letters "Lazy River", there were 2 entraces to it, one in-front of you and the other on your left.

Getting out of the pool, you jogged to the one you were a bit closer to, walking on the edge of the "sidewalk" that was in there. You didnt feel like going into the water, it made you feel a little sick in the stomach. There were floaties everywhere on the lazy river, it looked.. abandoned. Like there was some quite of evacuation and everyone needed to leave instantly.


Leaving that thought, you moved further into the lazy river you realized how similar it looked to the first half of this... lazy river maze. The air was getting colder with every step you took, probably because of your soaked clothes-- but perhaps the temerature was getting colder and colder.. or maybe you were imagining things? You never know.


The lazy river maze was going on for hours, or at least you think it was hours, there wasnt really a clock nearby. Nor did you had a watch on your arm, or any other part of your body. Closing your eyes for a moment, you realized how tired you were. The stress you felt so far finally having a weight on you. But all you did was rub your eyes and continue walking. This.. This is horrible.


You got out of the lazy river maze, but was met yet again with another set of pools. You are never going to look at water the same ever again.. if you leave this place, that is. Woah okay Y/n! Be positive! Your going to be fine! Everything is fine! Your just stuck in a goddamn pool maze with no exit so far!

But there has to be one, right? There has to be!

And just as you thought that, you saw the bathrooms, the not-so-offical entrance and exit of every pool (at least every pool I know). Jogging to it, as you cannot run in the pool area becasue you might slip and get a severe injury, you yanked open the door, only to be met with blinding light that was gone as fast as it came. Yet you still closed your eyes.

You felt sunshine on your face, making your eyes snap open, and to find yourself in a colorful garden. Your garden.

You were back home.


No pools ever again.

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