Random scenarios + 1 Incorrect quote

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You- You guys know that an acctual chapter wont be here anytime soon, right?

.... right?


Baal : I'm the most responsible person here

Zhongli : You burned down the kitchen

Baal : Yes, and I take full resposoblity for that



- Oml she is so shy

- And cute at the same time

- I think we all know that she overworks herself

- Please drag her away from work

- Gets flustered easily

- Little spoon

- Cutie


- I know I said it milions time before but- he is overprotective- like OVER overprotctive

- Likes to hug you

- Your probably in his embrance 24/7

- Caresses your cheeks

- If you take any medications, he always makes sure you take them

- Always near you

- Shares his tofu with you, if you like it ofc


- Even though she is serious with her work, she has a soft spot for you

- If you come back hurt from a mission or anything, she'll treat as carful as possible

- Tough you get scolded after

- Can be both big and little spoon

- Loves cuddles

- If she wants a kiss, first she'll drop some hints

- But if you don't get it, she'll just do it herself

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