Random scenarios

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Round 2? Just kidding.. or am I? 👁👁


SCARAMOUCHE (I'm 4'7ft and Scara is 5'3ft, he so much taller the me 💀)
- He LOVES to hug you from behind
- The first time you shared the bed is when you guys booked a hotel and realized yhere was only one bed
- If you tried sleeping one the couch or the floor your mission failed
- He pulled you into the bed with him and hugged you from the fron, so your face was in his chest. In one word : Cuddles with his as the big spoon
- His grip was tight too
- Kissed you every so often

- Is so gentle with you
- Likes long hugs
- Kisses your cheek pretty often
- Hand holding <3
- Prefers quality time over physical contact but still gives it though
- Likes to spoil you too
- Admires you every so often

- Likes to smell your scent
- Lisa told him you give flowers to someone special
- Now he gives you flowers he found everyday
- When you go hunting with him he is extra careful so you dont get hurt
- Protective of you
- Likes when you hug him
- Licks you too

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