Albedo || My dearest

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Also I wont be posting for a few days as I have 10 test upcoming, sorry y'all..
I dont even know if this oneshot comes out before the tests- 
SO the day I started writing this on was 22.02.2022 (day, month, year)

No specific Gender ;D


You, out of all people, were more special then the others. You didn't have a vision or anything of that sorts, it's just that the prince itself had an eye on you.. for a very very long time.


Walking through the busy streets, you managed to finally get to your destination : The bakery shop. The lady who owns the place is very nice, and she always have your favourite buns.

Walking into the said shop, you greeted the lady, in return you got a warm and comforting smile with a small "welcome". 

"The usual miss/sir/mix Y/n?"

"Yes, I would like that, thank you"

And with that the lady went to get your order, it didnt take long. Placing your buns on the counter, wrapped in a cute pink-ish bag with a bunny on it. You payed her for the buns, and left giving the lady a "goodbye" as you did so.

Sighing, you just stayed outside the bakery for a moment before deciding to go home.


You were met with a festival on your way home! :D

The festival seemed fun, people whispering and laughing everywhere (R.I.P. social anxiety/fobia)
Bitting your lip a little you shifted your weight from one leg to another, walking into the festival with the bag of buns still being in your hand's hold.


The festival was in fact, very fun- yet, there was an ending to it- a special one, as the prince Albedo himself would show up. It was also said that the ending of the festival would end with a dance (you know what Im going for). So having a dancing pal was a must.

Poor you- you didnt know it, huh? Thats why you shouldnt go to random festivals- you know how hard it is to get out from a crowd which is dancing- practicaly all over the place?

Well, now you sure do- The prince showed up, you didnt have a good look at him, but you sure saw his beautiful silky hair, with two braids on each side of his head, ending at the back of his head, his bangs nearly covering his blue eyes.

What you failed to notice is his gaze that was glued to you, from the very beggining. He didnt even take his eyes off of you once. It was like this for a few months- no, years- yet you didnt.. hah- how did you NOT notice the obvious stares? Hmm?

Just as you were about to leave, a smooth voice stopped you in your tracks

"Would you care for a dance, my princess/prince/royality?"

Turning on your heel, you were meet with none other then the prince himself- standing in front of you, reaching his hand out for you to take.

What do you say for this special dance?

Of course yes! I'm not so heartless to leave you hanging here.

Taking his hand, you were pulled into his frame rather harshly yet the arms that embraced your frame right after were probably worth the harsh pull.

Albedo had his eyes glued to your face, he didn't have to chance too see you up this close, so he took in every detail of your face.

The way your eyes seemed to look everywhere but his own, your lashes that were oh so gorgeous in his eyes, the way your cheeks heated up with every moment- he was taking it all in

The arm around your waist tightened a little, along with the hand that was grasping your's. His grip didn't hurt you- he made sure of that- he just couldnt help but do that- make sure you are actually infront of him.

It was like this for a few moments, your body pressed firmly against his, leaving no space between you, the jealous looks following your every move, yet you didn't notice that as you were too focused on the man infront of you.

But of course, the dance came to an end. It was heartbreaking actually, well it should be, but the prince didn't let go, so you didn't really have the time to think of this as heartbreaking.

Now you were just standing there, in Albedo's embrace as he stared at your form in his grip.

"My dearest.. We are not parting ways this easily"

And with that sentence leaving his mouth, he picked you up, carrying you bridal style, like the royalty you are.

"Your coming with me."

And the next thing you know, you are in the castle, with the prince holding your hand tightly, not intending to let go any time soon.

Well, what did you got yourself into?

☆ Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios ☆ - BOOK 1Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя