If you died on a mission and they realize they could save you PT 2

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Put the corpse on ice, I'll be there in 2 minutes.

- Does not belive it at first
- Stares blankly at the person who told him the news
- Asks if they are joking, now now, usually he takes what he does very seriously but-
- Tries his best not to break down in front of the said person
- A single tear rolled down his cheek though
- When he is alone, he just-
- Cries
- You know, just lets the emotions consume him for a moment
- Anger for not being there for you mostly
- If he was there, you would be right next to him right now
- Blames himself

- ...
- Unusualy quiet
- Has the most blank look on his face
- Isnt his usual energetic self anymore
- What is the final hit is the fact that he could have saved you
- He had the chance
- Yet he wasnt there for you when you needed him the most
- Is mad at himself
- Needs a few days to cool off
- Will never again be his usual enregetic self again

- New skin unlocked!
- I was actually gonna leave you hanging with that sentence
- But for real now
- Knew this day will come and took it calmly
- The fact that he was too late to even touch your body for the last time
- Yet it still hurt like hell
- Held onto the thing you brought him once
- Of course, tears were spilled
- Visits your grave almost everyday
- Wrote a song about you

- Oh.
- Of course you had to go, it was already a miracle you wanted to be his friend- far more lover
- Blames it all on his bad luck
- After all, it was him who wasnt able to protect you
- Cried for the next 4-3 days
- Kept whatever you gave him so close to him
- Always made sure it was near him, so he doesnt lose it
- It was the last thing he had of you beside memories
- Even after years after your death he sometimes cries at the fact

- In all honesty, I have no idea how will he act.
- Im so sorry Cyno simps, not angst for you..
- But maybe he will be calm on the outside and very hurt inside?
- He does look like he hides his feelings
- But, when he is alone, he let a single dear make its way down his cheek
- Cant get you our of his head
- Pains him even more when he realized he could have saved you

- His smile fell instantly
- What did they mean? You? Dead? Thats impossible.
- It is possible.
- Felt guilty for not being there to save you
- "Hey, leaving without a goodbye is very rude, you know..?"
- Cried himself to sleep countless times
- Holds onto your favorite blanket/pillow whenever he sleeps

- Oh
- She.. She was not expecting this
- You? Her beloved partner? Dead?
- This cant be happening
- She could've protected you from the danger
- She promised you that
- And she broke the promise
- Why you out of all people?
- Closes herself in her room for quite some time

- This is... sudden
- She isnt able to keep her stoic face
- Lets a few tears roll down her face and wipes them away
- Drowns herself in work to stop thinking about it
- Cant really do it though
- You are always there, somewhere in her mind
- The only time she'll sleep is when she faints of pure exaustion
- Stares at herself in the mirror questioning why she didnt help you
- If she did, you would be next to her, alive and well
- Blames herself

- Needs a moment to register what have just left the person's mouth
- They need to be joking
- There is no way you are dead
- Well you are wrong here Lady Ningguang
- You seem pretty much dead
- Is able to keep her poker face
- Nods her head in acknowledge
- Waves the person off and goes into her room
- Just silently sits and cries wondering why didnt she went with you

- When she heard your name she thought they will say you are coming back
- So she was rather surprised to hear the news
- Stares and the person for quite a while
- Then thanks the person for telling her and excuses herself
- Quietly walks to your favorite spot
- Sits down and listens to the nature
- Trying to calm herself down
- Cant help but let a few tears roll down her cheeks

- She didnt expect you to be her customer so soon
- She didnt expect you to be her customer at all!
- "Run that by me again?"
- Cant belive what she heard
- This was... heart-breaking
- Her lip was trembling
- As tears rolled down her face
- She let that happen
- She was the one to balme
- She has dissapointed you

- "P-Pardon?"
- This must be a horrible and cruel joke, right?
- You cant leave her just like that
- Accepts it pretty quickly and takes a shaky breath
- It was heart-breaking yes... but that is how life is
- Will shed you her tears though
- Misses you harder and harder everyday
- Sometimes zones out thinking about you
- Regrets not being there for you
- Makes herself work harder

- You too?
- You left her too?
- But you promised her... and she promised you..
- Please she is already so hurt why are you doing this?
- Beats herself up for not being there for you
- Cries without any shame
- Full on sobbing
- How did she let such a precious person slip through her fingers
- Hugs your t-shirts to feel you again
- Or at least get somewhere near that
- Wears them too

- All good things must end somewhere
- Yet sometimes you wonder why so quickly
- She should have been there to make the time she spends with you longer
- Tries her best not to cry on the spot but failes
- Just lets the tears roll down her face
- Looks more miserbale the next few weeks
- Always goes to your favorite spots
- Talks with you by talking to herself

- When she said you are staying forever she wasnt lying.

Never allowing angst ever again.

☆ Genshin Impact headcannons/scenarios ☆ - BOOK 1Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin